SC2Mapster Wiki

Interact[ | ]

Description[ | ]

Gives the owning player of the target unit the vision and/or control of the unit with this ability

Hint[ | ]

  • If you want neutral shops for item trading, they must have this ability
  • Has interesting potential for items in the inventory of a unit giving shared control of the unit
  • Once a target has been found, the ability is only cancelled by the player moving all units out of the range of the ability
  • If the target unit uses its queue, it will not display while any ability that uses it is doing so.

Patch 5.0 Update[ | ]

Fixed an issue where interact abilities would constantly try to acquire a unit without checking the ValidatorArray field.

Example Usage[ | ]

Tower Capture[ | ]

The Interact ability of the Xel'naga Tower that autocasts on any units within range. The ability shares the vision of the Xel'naga Tower with the nearby player and through the Exclusive flag cannot be owned by more than one player at once.

Simbiote Demonstration by DrSuperEvil[ | ]

Utilizes the Interact ability to allow the owner of the symbiote unit to control heroes of another player when acting as an item in the inventory of the hero. While in the inventory there are bonuses given to the host hero based both on the level of the symbiote and that of the host. There are also parasitic symbiotes which demonstrate a range of uses for auto inserting items.

URL[ | ]

Fields Description[ | ]

(None): Categories[ | ]

  • Categories for segregating different abilities

(None): Commands - Auto Queue Id[ | ]

  • (Unknown)

(None): Orders - Display Type[ | ]

  • How the waypoint lines appear when queueing this ability.
  • Attack: (Unknown)
  • Confirm: (Unknown)
  • Legacy: (Unknown)
  • Move: (Unknown)
  • Rally: (Unknown)

Ability: Alignment[ | ]

  • Determines whether the ability is considered neutral, negative or positive.
  • If the ability shows anywhere (usually does not, since it will be buffs or buttons you will see in game), it will be coloured by the alignment. Neutral is nothing, positive is green, negative is red.
  • This also applies for buttons and buffs.

Ability: Auto Cast Filters[ | ]

  • Filters for determining what unit attributes the auto cast can target

Ability: Auto Cast Range[ | ]

  • Range at which auto cast can be triggered

Ability: Auto Cast Validators[ | ]

  • Validators that must return true for the auto cast to be used on the target

Ability: Commands - Default Button[ | ]

  • The button seen in the command card for the unit with this ability unless otherwise specified by the unit
  • Links a button from the Buttons data type to the execute and cancel of the ability
  • An execute button is always required, but not a cancel button

Ability: Commands - Flags[ | ]

  • Flags for the buttons
  • Allow Minimap: (Unknown)
  • Allow Self Cast: (Unknown)
  • Continuous: (Unknown)
  • Hidden: Sets the button to hidden by default
  • Hide Path: (Unknown)
  • Ignore User: (Unknown)
  • Send to Selection: (Unknown)
  • Show In Glossary: (Unknown)

Ability: Commands - Preempt Level[ | ]

  • (Unknown) Takes a numeric value

Ability: Commands - Requirements[ | ]

  • Requirements from the Requirements data type for executing the ability and/or cancelling it
  • Also can determine the conditions under which the button is visible in the UI

Ability: Commands - State[ | ]

  • State of the buttons
  • Available: means the button is always visible
  • Restricted: means the button will only appear if the Show parts of the requirements are met
  • Supressed: stops the button from being visible

Ability: Debug Trace[ | ]

  • If enabled logs ability use and execution/errors when testing the map

Ability: Set ID[ | ]

  • String that groups different abilities of the same type
  • This is used to link different abilities together
  • Used for getting different units with the same ability to also use the ability
  • The Augment ability, Issue Order effect and triggers that order the use of the one ability will also use the other
  • Abilities sharing the same string will also be used by selected units when using any one of the abilities

Ability: Shared Flags[ | ]

  • Disable While Dead: Disables the ability if the host unit is dead until the unit is revived or the corpse expires
  • Hide Target Cursor For Invalid Targets: Hides the mouse cursor when hovering over an invalid target
  • Skip Preload: (Unknown)
  • Snap Cursor To Unit Radius: (Unknown)
  • Target Cursor Visible In Black Mask: (Unknown)

Ability: Smart Priority[ | ]

  • If multiple abilities on the unit have the Smart Command flag enabled, this field determines the priority for using this ability over the others

Ability: Smart Validators[ | ]

  • Validators for using Smart Command (right mouse button linked ability use) if the flag is enabled under Stats: Flags
  • If the skill is upgradable and more than one Validator has been placed in here, it will automatically jump one Validator down the list with every upgrade.

Ability: Target Filters[ | ]

  • Filters that determine which unit attributes the ability can target.

Ability: Tech Alias[ | ]

  • String used as an alias to group data objects together as equivalent for use by Requirements

Ability: Tech Player[ | ]

  • Owner: Player currently in control of the unit (eg. neural parasite) is used for requirements of the ability
  • Upkeep: Player paying the supply of the unit is used for requirements of the ability

Ability: Validators[ | ]

  • Validators from the Validators data type that must be met to use the ability on the target

Stats: Flags[ | ]

Flags for the ability

  • Always Show Command Card: When this flag is on, a shop unit will show its command card to all players that can interact with it (Decided by the CAbilInteract’s Target Filter field), even if the player does not have a valid agent unit near the shop.
  • Auto Cast: allows the ability to be auto cast.
    • Therefore, even if a player doesn’t have an agent unit near by the shop, they will still be able to preview what the shop is selling.
    • However, this player still wouldn’t be able to use the command card if they don’t control the shop unit, for instance, if they don’t have an agent unit nearby.
  • Best Unit: when a group of units is order to cast this ability, only the "best unit" (usually the closest one) will do so
  • Exclusive: prevents more than one player being targeted by this ability at once
  • Same Cliff Level: makes the ability only able to target units on the same cliff level as the casting unit
  • Share Control: shares control of the unit with this ability with the owner of the target unit
  • Share Vision: shares vision of the unit with this ability with the owner of the target unit
  • Smart Command: allows the skill the be bound to and cast by right mouse click

Stats: Range[ | ]

  • The max range at which the ability can be cast
  • If all interacting player units leave this range then the ability is cancelled

UI: Orders - Color[ | ]

  • Determines the tint of the order queue texture and model

UI: Orders - Line Texture[ | ]

  • The vertical banner texture shown when queuing several casts of the ability using the shift button
  • As this ability cannot be queued this field appears to be redundant

UI: Orders - Model[ | ]

  • The model used to highlight the ground of the location where the ability will be cast if several casts of the ability are queued using the shift button

UI: Orders - Scale[ | ]

  • Scale of the line texture and model

UI: Target Message[ | ]

  • Message that is displayed in the command card while you are targeting the ability.

UI: Tooltip Priority[ | ]

  • Priority of this ability's tooltips.
  • Not quite sure how it works, or where in game this has affect.

Related[ | ]
