SC2Mapster Wiki

Set[ | ]

Description[ | ]

Combines children Loot entries together, defines their chance of occurring and the range in the amount of loot a killed unit will drop

Hints[ | ]

  • Usually the type of loot added to the Unit: Loot field of Units
  • A random number of Basic: Children - Loot entries will be used between the maximum and minimum. This adds up with the Chance in the following way:
    • Let's say you have [Minimum 0 / maximum 10], with 100% chance, You killed the unit and only 3 items dropped. This means that for 3 times, the item drop occurance was accepted with a 100% chance. If you had instead 33% chance, perhaps only 1 item would have dropped. In that sense, the chance only designates the odds of the item to be dropped when it has been chosen by hasard. Otherly put, multiple entries in the Children field doesn't augments the odds of one item over the others to be chosen by luck, it only modifies its chance to come out when called out. This could explain why the dying unit drops nothing.

Fields Definition[ | ]

Basic: Children[ | ]

Chance[ | ]

The chance for a specific Basic: Children - Loot entry to occur.

  • Range from 0 - 100 percent

Loot[ | ]

Array of Loot entries to be used on unit death.

Basic: Maximum Count[ | ]

Defines the maximum number of loot entries to use per unit death.

  • Unlike set effects, this field absolutely requires an entry greater than 0 to work.

Basic: Minimum Count[ | ]

Defines the minimum number of loot entries to use per unit death.

Related[ | ]
