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If you want to create an action or function page, use this Template. If you want to create a new trigger category page, use this Template.

Trigger Elements

Ui-editoricon-general triggers Trigger Editor Overview Ui-editoricon-triggereditor newevent Events
Ui-editoricon-triggereditor newcondition Conditions Question Functions
Ui-editoricon-triggereditor newvariable Variables And Records Ui-editoricon-triggereditor newvariable Data Types
Ui-editoricon-triggereditor newpresettype Presets/Constants Ui-editoricon-triggereditor newaction Actions


Actions are the definition of a triggers effect on your map's entities and data. They are used to spawn units, create and change UI elements (so called "dialogs"), define variables, run loops and much more. A trigger goes through all actions from top to bottom (exception: if-branches) until it reaches the end or a "skip remaining actions".

Action Navigation

Ui-editoricon-triggercategories actor Actors Ui-editoricon-triggercategories ai AI Ui-editoricon-triggercategories aiadvanced AI Advanced Ui-editoricon-triggercategories animation Animation Ui-editoricon-triggercategories bank Bank
Ui-editoricon-triggercategories cameras Cameras Ui-editoricon-triggercategoriescampaign Campaign Ui-editoricon-triggercategories catalog Catalog Ui-editoricon-triggercategories cinematics Cinematics Ui-editoricon-triggercategories conversations Conversation
Ui-editoricon-triggercategories conversion Conversion Ui-editoricon-triggercategories datatable Data Table Ui-editoricon-triggercategories debug Debug Ui-editoricon-triggercategories dialog Dialog Ui-editoricon-triggercategories environment Environment
Ui-editoricon-triggercategories game Game Ui-editoricon-triggercategories general General Ui-editoricon-triggercategories leaderboards Leaderboard Ui-editoricon-triggercategories math Math Ui-editoricon-triggercategories melee Melee
Ui-editoricon-triggercategories objective Objective Ui-editoricon-triggercategories orders Order Ui-editoricon-triggercategories ping Ping Ui-editoricon-triggercategories player Player Ui-editoricon-triggercategories playergroup Player Group
Ui-editoricon-triggercategories point Point Ui-editoricon-triggercategories portrait Portrait Ui-editoricon-triggercategories region Region Ui-editoricon-triggercategories unitselection Unit Selection Ui-editoricon-triggercategories sound Sound
Ui-editoricon-triggercategories story Story Ui-editoricon-triggercategories strings String Ui-editoricon-triggercategories techtree Tech Tree Ui-editoricon-triggercategories texttag Text Tag Ui-editoricon-triggercategories timer Timer
Ui-editoricon-triggercategories transmission Transmission Ui-editoricon-triggercategories triggers Trigger Ui-editoricon-triggercategories ui UI Ui-editoricon-triggercategories unit Unit Ui-editoricon-triggercategories unitgroup Unit Group
Ui-editoricon-triggercategories variable Variable Ui-editoricon-triggercategories visibility Visibility User Data Comment

Index of Actions


Apply Global Texture Group

  • Applies texture props globally. If a model's data is configured for texture swapping, and there is a texture available to the model with the global props, then that texture will be used.

Attach Actor To Unit

  • Creates an actor attached to a unit at the specified attach point. Use "Last Created Actor" to get the actor.

Attach Model To Unit

  • Creates a generic actor with the specified model attached to a unit at the specified attach point. Use "Last Created Actor" to get the actor.

Attach Model To Unit (Inherit Visibility)

  • Creates a generic actor with the specified model attached to a unit at the specified attach point. Use "Last Created Actor" to get the actor. If the unit is hidden, the attached model will also be hidden.

Create Actor

  • Creates an actor. The Scope parameter can be null if you do not want to create the actor in an existing scope. The Name parameter is the string ID of the actor you are creating. The Content parameters are optional, and allow you to specify additional properties for the actor being created. Running the "Last Created Actor" function immediately after this action will return the actor created by this action.

Create Actor At Point

  • Creates an actor at the specified point. Running the "Last Created Actor" function immediately after this action will return the actor created by this action.
  • It is important to remember that since the actor was made by triggers, you may not have an attachement (scope) and so, the actor considers itself to be "Orphan". This may cause the actor to fail at creating, if using a premade actor containing its actor destruction event, in the case of having an Orphan Actor Event.

Create Actor Region

  • Creates a region actor from a game region. You can use a region actor to send an actor message to all of the actors that are currently inside it. If you set a variable to "Last Created Actor" after running this action, your variable will be set to the region actor created by this action.

Create Actor Scope

  • Creates an empty actor scope. You can get the scope that was created by using "Last Created Actor Scope". An actor scope is a container for a set of actors. Therefore, this action is only useful if you intend to create actors in the scope you create.

Create Look At Target At Point

  • Creates an invisible look at target actor at the specified point. If you set an actor variable to "Last Created Actor" immediately after this action, it will set the variable to the look at target that is created by this action. You can then use that variable in an action such as "Actor Look At Start".

Create Look At Target At Unit Attach Point

  • Creates an invisible look at target actor and attaches it to the specified attach point of the specified unit. If you set an actor variable to "Last Created Actor" immediately after this action, it will set the variable to the look at target that is created by this action. You can then use that variable in an action such as "Actor Look At Start".

Create Model At Point

  • Creates a generic actor with the specified model at the specified point. Running the "Last Created Actor" function immediately after this action will return the actor created by this action.

Create Model With Point Facing

  • Creates a generic actor with the specified model at the specified point and sets its facing to match the point. Running the "Last Created Actor" function immediately after this action will return the actor created by this action.

Kill Actor Scope

  • Kills an actor scope along with all of the actors in that scope. An actor scope is a container for a set of actors.

Kill All Particles

  • This will destroy all of the active particles on the map for all players. Models that emit particles will still continue to do so, this will just kill the existing particles.

Kill Model

  • Tells a model actor type to play its death animation and then destroy itself. It will only work on model actors, such as those created by the "Attach Model to Unit" action.

Make Actor Face Angle

  • Causes an actor to face the specified angle.

Make Actor Look At Actor

  • Makes the specified actor look at the specified target, using preset settings defined by the specified look at type.

Make Actor Look At Actor (Custom)

  • Makes an actor look at another actor. The parameters of this action allow you more control over the look at than "Make Actor Look At Actor".

Make Actor Stop Looking

  • Clears the look at target for the specified actor, using preset settings defined by the specified look at type.

Make Actor Stop Looking (Custom)

  • Clears the look at target for the specified actor. The parameters of this action allow you more control over the look at than "Make Actor Stop Looking".

Make Actor Look At Actor

  • Makes the specified actor look at the specified target, using preset settings defined by the specified look at type.

Make Unit Look At Actor

  • Makes the specified unit look at the specified target, using preset settings defined by the specified look at type.

Make Unit Look At Point

  • Makes the specified unit look at the specified point, using preset settings defined by the specified look at type.

Make Unit Look At Unit

  • Makes the specified unit look at the specified other unit's attach point, using preset settings defined by the specified look at type.

Make Unit Stop Looking

  • Clears the look at target for the specified unit, using preset settings defined by the specified look at type.

Orphan Actor Scope

  • Tells an actor scope to orphan itself, meaning that, once all of the actors inside of that scope have died, the scope will kill itself. Under normal circumstances, this happens automatically. However, it is theoretically possible for a user (through trigger script) to create actors in a scope where the scope won't automatically die once its actors are dead.

Play Movie Texture On Unit Actor

  • Play a movie texture on the model of the main actor of the specified unit. The unit's model must be set up to have a texture slot that matches the slot of the movie to play.

Pop Texture Group

  • Pop the global texture props and restore the texture props that were beneath them on the texture props stack.

Push Texture Group

  • Pushes the current texture props, so triggers can modify their values and then restore the original values later.

Remove Death Models in Region

  • Destroys all of the unit death models in the specified region and calls Kill All Particles.

Remove Death Models in Region Immediately

  • Destroys all of the unit death models in the specified region immediately.

Remove Global Texture Group

  • Removes global texture props.

Send Actor Message

  • Sends an actor message to an actor. An actor message will perform an action and/or trigger an event on the actor it is sent to.

Send Actor Message As Text

  • Sends an actor message to an actor. An actor message will perform an action and/or trigger an event on the actor it is sent to.

Send Actor Message As Text Via Name

  • Sends an actor message to an actor that is related to another actor. The Actor parameter is used to specify the primary actor, and the Name parameter is used to specify a reference (such as ::Host) that will derive a secondary actor from the primary actor. The message gets sent to the secondary actor. An actor message will perform an action and/or trigger an event on the actor it is sent to.

Send Actor Message To Actor Region

  • Sends an actor message to all the actors contained within the specified region actor. An actor message will perform an action and/or trigger an event on the actor it is sent to.

Send Actor Message To Actor Region With Filters

  • Sends an actor message to all the actors contained within the specified region actor. The Intersect Type parameter defines which radius will be used to determine intersection with the region. The Class Filters parameter is used to specify which types of actors should receive the message. The format for Class Filters is a list of comma delimited actor types. The Terms parameter is used to specify a condition that an actor in the region must meet in order to receive the message. The format for Terms is a list of semi colon delimited actor terms. An actor message will perform an action and/or trigger an event on the actor it is sent to.

Send Actor Message To Game Region

  • Sends an actor message to all the actors contained within the specified game region. An actor message will perform an action and/or trigger an event on the actor it is sent to.

Send Actor Message To Game Region With Filters

  • Sends an actor message to all the actors contained within the specified game region. The Intersect Type parameter defines which radius will be used to determine intersection with the region. The Class Filters parameter is used to specify which types of actors should receive the message. The format for Class Filters is a list of comma delimited actor types. The Terms parameter is used to specify a condition that an actor in the region must meet in order to receive the message. The format for Terms is a list of semi colon delimited actor terms. An actor message will perform an action and/or trigger an event on the actor it is sent to.

Send Actor Message To Scope

  • Sends an actor message to all actors in the specified scope. An actor scope is a container for a set of actors. An actor message will perform an action and/or trigger an event on the actor it is sent to.

Send Actor Message To Unit

  • Sends an actor message to a unit's actor. An actor message will perform an action and/or trigger an event on the actor it is sent to.

Send Actor Message Via Name

  • Sends an actor message to an actor that is related to another actor. The Actor parameter is used to specify the primary actor, and the Name parameter is used to specify a reference (such as ::Host) that will derive a secondary actor from the primary actor. The message gets sent to the secondary actor. An actor message will perform an action and/or trigger an event on the actor it is sent to.

Show/Hide Doodads In Region

  • Show or hide all of the doodads of the specified type in a region.

Stop All Video Textures On Unit

  • Stops playing all video textures currently playing on the specified unit's actor. The TV news reports in the Wings Of Liberty campaign are examples of video textures.


Activate/Deactivate Bullies In Region

  • If bullies are deactivated for a region, then that player will no longer rebuild bullies that were placed in that region.

Add Attack Wave Unit Types (Liberty/Swarm)

  • Adds a type of unit to the next attack wave for a player; allowing you to specify a different number of units per difficulty level.

Add Attack Wave Waypoint

  • Adds a waypoint to the next attack wave for a player. In Force Transport Mode, the wave units will attempt to load up in transports before approaching this waypoint. If there are not enough transports available for all of the units, the stranded units will be dropped from the wave.

Add Escort Unit To Attack Wave

  • Adds a unit to the next attack wave for a player with orders to escort another unit.

Add Escort UnitType To Attack Wave

  • Adds a unit of the specified unit type to the next attack wave for a player with orders to escort another unit.

Add New Bully

  • Flags a pre-placed unit as a bully. The AI will rebuild units flagged as bullies if they are lost.

Add Unit Group To Attack Wave

  • Adds a unit group to the next attack wave for a player.

Add Unit To Attack Wave

  • Adds a unit to the next attack wave for a player.

Cancel Attack Wave

  • Cancels an attack wave and sends the units back home.

Enable/Disable Script Control For Unit

  • If script control is enabled for a unit, the AI will not use that unit. Script-controlled bullies are not replaced unless they die.

Enable/Disable Script Control For Unit Group

  • If script control is enabled for a unit, the AI will not use that unit. Script-controlled bullies are not replaced unless they die.

Enable/Disable Suicide For Unit

  • If suicide is enabled for a unit, the AI will immediately seek out and repeatedly attack the nearest enemy until the suiciding unit is destroyed. Setting a bully to suicide will tag it as missing and cause the AI to rebuild it, since it should not be returning alive.

Enable/Disable Suicide For Unit Group

  • If suicide is enabled for a unit group, the AI will immediately seek out and repeatedly attack the nearest enemy until the suiciding unit group is destroyed. Setting a bully to suicide it will tag it as missing and cause the AI to rebuilt it, since it should not be returning alive.

Enable/Disable Wave Use For Unit

  • If wave use is disabled for a unit, the AI will not use that unit in waves.

Enable/Disable Wave Use For Unit Group

  • If wave use is disabled for a unit group, the AI will not use that unit in waves.

Global Suicide

  • Flags all units owned by a player to suicide. Units flagged to suicide will seek out and attack the nearest enemy unit they can find until they are slain, or there is nothing left to attack.

Init Campaign Harvesting

  • Initializes harvesting for an AI player. This happens automatically when you call one of the Start Campaign AI actions.

Init Campaign Towns

  • Initializes the towns for an AI player. This happens automatically when you call one of the Start Campaign AI actions.

Issue AI Order

  • Suggests an order to a unit. If the computer that controls the unit has the ability to execute the order (with respect to its current APM constraint), then it will do so. The order will eventually be dropped if the computer is unable to execute it for a few seconds after it was issued. If you need a unit to do something immediately, use Issue Order instead.

Limit Bully Rebuild To Nearest Town

  • When enabled for a player, this makes it so that bullies for that player can only be replaced by unit producing structures in the town those bullies are closest to.

Limit Bully Wave Gather To Nearest Town

  • When enabled for a player, this makes it so that bullies for that player can only be used in attack waves that are gathering near the town those bullies are closest to.

Pause AI Time

  • Pauses or unpauses the AI time. While paused, the controlling AI will idle. AI owned units will carry out their current actions, and then idle.

Remove All Bullies

  • Removes the bully flag from all units owned by a player.

Remove Unit From All Waves

  • Removes a unit from any waves it is in.

Remove Unit From All Waves And Set Home

  • Removes a unit from any waves it is in and sets its home point.

Remove Unit Group From All Waves

  • Removes a group of units from any waves they are in.

Remove Unit Group From All Waves And Set Home

  • Removes a group of units from any waves they are in and sets their home point.

Reset Bully Rebuild Counts In Region

  • Resets the rebuild counts for bullies owned by a specific player in a specific region.

Run All Attack Waves

  • Begins running all attack waves defined for the AI personality within the AI module. This should only be called once per player.

Run All Attack Waves For All Personalities

  • Begins running all attack waves defined for AI personalities within the AI module. A personality must have both a Source Player and Target Players defined to be run using this action.

Run Attack Wave

  • Runs a specific attack wave defined for the AI personality in the AI module.

Send Attack Wave

  • Sends an attack wave for a player after the specified number of seconds has elapsed. If Wait is used, then the script will wait for the wave to be sent before continuing execution.

Set Attack Wave Bully Percent

  • Sets the percentage of bullies that are allowed to be used for attack waves for a player.

Set Attack Wave Gather Early No Replace

  • Set the next attack wave from a player to gather immediately and not replace any units that die while gathering.

Set Attack Wave Gather Point

  • Sets the point at which attack wave units will gather before being dispatched.

Set Attack Wave Keep Alive

  • Set the next attack wave from a player to stay around even if it has only zero units in it. Only use this if you plan to manually keep track of the wave and add units later.

Set Bully Rebuild Delay

  • Sets the delay time before the AI starts trying to replace missing bullies for a player.

Set Gather Point For Personality

  • Changes the default gather point for an AI player using a personality. The default gather point may also be set directly in the AI module.

Set Minimum Bully Count

  • Sets the minimum number of bullies an AI player should maintain regardless of rebuild counts.

Set Rebuild Count (Default)

  • Sets the maximum number of units or maximum number of buildings an AI player should rebuild. This only applies to preplaced units or buildings that do not have an individual rebuild count set.

Set Rebuild Count (Specific)

  • Sets the maximum number of a specific unit an AI player should rebuild. This only applies to preplaced units or buildings that do not have an individual rebuild count set.

Set Target Escort For Attack Waves

  • Sets the target of a player's attack waves to escort a unit group.

Set Target Escort For Attack Waves, No Leashing

  • Sets the target of a player's attack waves to escort a unit group. The escorts will not break combat and return to their charge should they become seperated.

Set Target Gather Defense For Attack Waves

  • Sets the target of a player's attack waves to a town's defensive gather point.

Set Target Gather Offense For Attack Waves

  • Sets the target of a player's attack waves to a town's offensive gather point.

Set Target Melee For Attack Waves

  • Sets the target of a player's attack waves to attack any enemies of that player.

Set Target Melee Harass For Attack Waves

  • Sets the target of a player's attack waves to harass any enemies of that player.

Set Target Merge For Attack Waves

  • Sets a wave to be the target of a player's attack waves. All of that player's attack waves will merge into the specified wave.

Set Target Patrol For Attack Waves

  • Sets the target of a player's attack waves to patrol.

Set Target Player For Attack Waves

  • Sets a player group to be the target of a player's attack waves.

Set Target Point For Attack Waves

  • Sets a point to be the target of a player's attack waves.

Set Target Region For Attack/Defense Waves

  • Sets the target of a player's attack (or defense) waves to a region.

Set Target Unit For Attack Waves

  • Sets a unit to be the target of a player's attack waves.

Set Target UnitArea For Attack Waves

  • Sets the position of a unit to be the target of a player's attack waves.

Set Target UnitGroup For Attack Waves

  • Sets a unit group to be the target of a player's attack waves.

Start AI Personalities For All Players

  • Starts AI for all computer players, including personalities defined in the AI module. A personality must have a Source Player set in the AI module to be started by this function. Computer players that are not associated with a personality will use the normal campaign AI. This action replaces Start Campaign AI For All Players (don't use both of them).

Start AI Personalities For Players

  • Starts an AI personality as configured in the AI module.

Start Campaign AI For All Players

  • The campaign AI must be started for each player that uses AI triggers.

Start Campaign AI For Player

  • The campaign AI must be started for each player that uses AI triggers.

Stop All Attack Waves For Personality

  • Any attack waves currently in progress will continue, but no further attack waves will run. After being stopped, attack waves may be run again using Run All Attack Waves or Run Attack Wave.

Turn All Attack Waves On/Off

  • An attack wave which is turned off will still run the "turned off" timing phase, as configured in the AI module.

Turn Attack Waves On/Off

  • An attack wave which is turned off will still run the "turned off" timing phase, as configured in the AI module.

AI Advanced

Accept Surrender

  • If the computer already wants to surrender then it will quit the game. If it does not then this does nothing.

Beacon Alert

  • Triggers the alert for the specified beacon.

Beacon Clear Target

  • Clears the target of the specified beacon.

Beacon Set AutoCast

  • Enables autocast for the specified beacon.

Beacon Set Target Point

  • Sets the target for the specified beacon to be the specified point.

Beacon Set Target Unit

  • Sets the target for the specified beacon to be the specified unit.


  • Instructs the AI to build some buildings of the specified type.

Call Original Tactical AI Think

  • SetThink can change a unit type's AI think routine to a trigger action. This action calls the original routine from before it was changed. This lets you override some behavior but still keep most AI intact. Nothing happens if the think data has not been changed.

Clear Build Queue

  • Clears all build requests currently planned (but not yet started) for a player.

Clear Cloaked Attacker

  • Clears the cloaked attack for a player near a point.

Clear Research Queue

  • Clears all research requests currently planned (but not yet started) for a player.

Clear Stock

  • Clears the stock lists of units and buildings to make for a player.

Clear Train Queue

  • Clears all train requests currently planned (but not yet started) for a player.

Count Object As Already Made

  • Instructs the AI requirements code to treat the specified Unit for a player as already made for the purpose of meeting prerequistes,

Declare Next Town

  • Create a new town for player at the specified point.

Declare Town Specific Slot

  • Sets the center of a player's town to be at the specified point.

Default Economy

  • Sets stock for a player's economic buildings and units based on the specified parameters.

Default Expansion

  • Attempts to make the specified player expand. There are certain conditions under which the AI will not expand, such as if the player does not have enough workers. The Minerals and Gas parameters are thresholds that the player must be under in order to expand (unless the player has too many extra workers).

Enable Harvesting

  • Start a new harvest job at a town for a player.

Enable Stock

  • Instructs the AI to make all the units and buildings specified by previously executed Set Stock commands for a player.

Enable/Disable AI Option For Unit

  • Enables or disables an AI option for a unit.

Enable/Disable Tactical For Unit

  • Forces tactical to be disabled for the unit (regardless of other unit properties such as ForceTactical / Computer Controlled). Or re-enables tactical that was previous disabled by this function.

Enable/Disable Tactical For Unit Group

  • Forces tactical to be disabled for each unit in the group (regardless of other unit properties such as ForceTactical / Computer Controlled). Or re-enables tactical that was previous disabled by this function.

Init Melee AI

  • Initializes the melee AI for a specific player. Calling Start Melee AI For All Players will call this action for each computer player.

Lane Waypoint Add

  • Adds a waypoint to the specified lane.

Lane Waypoint Calc Closest Data For Lane

  • Calculates a handful of data for the closest point in the given TestLane to point TestPoint. Query the calculated data with the "Lane Waypoint Get Calc Data ___" functions.

Lane Waypoint Clear All

  • Clears all AI lane data including, closest calc data.

Make Always

  • Instructs the AI to make the specified unit or building.

Make Once

  • Instructs the AI to make the specified unit or building only if the AI has 0 of them built or in queue.


  • Instructs the AI to research the specified upgrade.


  • Enables scouting for a player.

Set All States

  • Sets the value of the state indexes for a player. The state is a per player integer array that can be useful to AI scripting.


  • Limits the actions per minute of a computer player.

Set Coop Flag

  • Sets the value of the specified coop flag index for a player.

Set Defense Radii

  • Sets the basic defense call for help radii. The threat must attack a building or come within MaxThreateningRange to trigger a defense call for help. Defenders that are within BuildingCallForHelpRange of the building or ThreatCallForHelpRange of the threat will respond. (ie the defender must be near the building or near the threat). By default Melee is (p#, 15.0, 10.0, 12.0) and Campaign is (p#, 6.0, 7.0, 9.0)

Set Difficulty Parameter

  • Enables or disables a particular difficulty parameter for a player.

Set Flag

  • Sets the value of the specified flag index for a player. The flag is a per player boolean array that can be useful to AI scripting.


  • By default the AI will harvest gas with three peons per vespene geyser. Use this action to override that behavior with the desired peon count.

Set Harvest Rate

  • Set the harvest rate for a player.

Set Ignored By Wave

  • Sets the specified unit to be ignored or unignored by its wave. An ignored unit does not receive any of the orders issued to a wave it belongs to.

Set Main Town

  • Sets the specified town to be the main town for a player.

Set Num Scouts

  • Sets the number of scouts to use for a player.

Set Scout Times

  • Sets how frequently a player sends a scout to each type of map objective. The time specified will get set for each objective of that type. The AI will scout objectives with a smaller time set more often than those with a larger time set.

Set State

  • Sets the value of the specified state index for a player. The state is a per player integer array that can be useful to AI scripting.

Set Stock

  • Set stock for a player to make units of the specified unit type.

Set StockAlias

  • Adds a unit into the stock with consideration for the Alias Type parameter. This alias is used for some internal functions. Note: This is an advanced AI concept. In most cases Set Stock is a more efficient choice.

Set StockEx

  • Set stock for a player to make units of the specified unit type. (More advanced than Set Stock)

Set StockExpand

  • Adds an expansion into the stock for an AI player. When the AI reaches this point in the stock list, it will build the specified TownHall type at an expansion point rather than spending money on units or other buildings.

Set StockFree

  • Adds a unit to the AI player's stock if the Prereq parameter is met. An example of this would be telling the AI player to add Stalkers to their stock, but only if they have Blink researched.

Set StockOpt

  • Set stock for a player to make units of the specified unit type using the 'optional' Stock Flag.

Set StockTown

  • Adds Town into the stock for an AI player. When the AI reaches this point in the stock list, it will ensure that every Town it owns has two refineries and a town hall of the specified types. This ensures that AI towns are never without these buildings.

Set StockUnitNext

  • Increments the stock count for the specified unit type by one if the Count parameter is set to 0, or the number of those units that are in progress or better is less than the specified Count. Does nothing if the Ignore If Queued parameter is set to true and the number of queued and in progress units of the specified type is greater than 0.

Set Tactical AI Range

  • Overwrites the Tactical AI Range field for the specified unit's data for the specified player.

Set Tactical AI Think

  • Sets a tactical AI think function for the specified unit for the specified player.

Set Tech Flag State

  • Sets the state of a flag for a player at the specified index based on whether the number of units of the type specified in the What parameter with the Tech Tree Count Type specified in the State parameter, is greater than or equal to the Count parameter.

Set Unit Evaluation Custom Index

  • Any values set using "Set Unit Custom Value" with the given index will override the standard unit strength evaluation performed by the AI for that unit.

Start AI

  • Starts the AI for a player in either campaign or melee mode, limiting the computer's actions per minute to the specified number.

Tactical AI - Cast

  • Suggests an order to a unit. Works the same as Issue AI Order, but with additional parameters. If the computer that controls the unit has the ability to execute the order (with respect to its current APM constraint), then it will do so. The order will eventually be dropped if the computer is unable to execute it for a few seconds after it was issued. If you need a unit to do something immediately, use Issue Order instead. The Marker parameter is optional, pass in null if you don't want to use it.

Tactical AI - Flee

  • Tells a unit to flee from another unit at least the specified distance. The Marker parameter is optional, pass in null if you don't want to use it.

Tactical AI Filter Alliance

  • Sets the specified AI Filter to only include either enemy or allied units. Use this and the other "Tactical AI Filter" actions to set up an AI Filter, which can then be used in a "Tactical AI Filter - Run" function to filter a unit group.

Tactical AI Filter Life

  • Sets the specified AI Filter to only include units whose life is within the specified range. Use this and the other "Tactical AI Filter" actions to set up an AI Filter, which can then be used in a "Tactical AI Filter - Run" function to filter a unit group.

Tactical AI Filter Life Modifier

  • Sets the specified AI Filter to modify the way it calculates life values for units with the specified attribute. For example, if the attribute was set to Armored, and the Amount set to 100, then the filter would consider Armored units to have 100 more life than they actually have. This can only be set once per AI Filter, so calling this action multiple times with the same AI Filter will simply override previous calls. Use this and the other "Tactical AI Filter" actions to set up an AI Filter, which can then be used in a "Tactical AI Filter - Run" function to filter a unit group.

Tactical AI Filter Life Per Marker

  • Sets the specified AI Filter to only include units whose current life is greater than the number of specified markers currently on them times the value specified in the Each parameter. In this context, markers are an AI system construct used to mark targets of abilities before the ability's effects execute. Use this and the other "Tactical AI Filter" actions to set up an AI Filter, which can then be used in a "Tactical AI Filter - Run" function to filter a unit group.

Tactical AI Filter Life Sort Reference

  • Sets the specified AI Filter to sort units by their current vitality, sorting ones below the threshold value to the end end of the list. Use this and the other "Tactical AI Filter" actions to set up an AI Filter, which can then be used in a "Tactical AI Filter - Run" function to filter a unit group.

Tactical AI Filter Markers

  • If a "marker per life" has not been set then a counting marker may be used. A counting marker ensures the indicated range of tactical AI markers exist on a candidate or else the unit will be filtered out. A range of 0 to 1 will prevent more than one unit from casting on the same target at the same time.

Tactical AI Filter Movement Plane

  • Sets the specified AI Filter to only include either air or ground units. Use this and the other "Tactical AI Filter" actions to set up an AI Filter, which can then be used in a "Tactical AI Filter - Run" function to filter a unit group.

Tactical AI Filter Range

  • Sets the specified AI Filter to only include units within the specified range of the specified unit. Use this and the other "Tactical AI Filter" actions to set up an AI Filter, which can then be used in a "Tactical AI Filter - Run" function to filter a unit group.

Tactical AI Filter Remove Self

  • Sets the specified AI Filter to exclude the specified unit. Use this and the other "Tactical AI Filter" actions to set up an AI Filter, which can then be used in a "Tactical AI Filter - Run" function to filter a unit group.

Tactical AI Filter Shields

  • Sets the specified AI Filter to only include units whose shields is within the specified range. Use this and the other "Tactical AI Filter" actions to set up an AI Filter, which can then be used in a "Tactical AI Filter - Run" function to filter a unit group.

Tactical AI Filter Unit Filter

  • Sets the specified AI Filter to only include units that match the criteria of the specified target filter. Use this and the other "Tactical AI Filter" actions to set up an AI Filter, which can then be used in a "Tactical AI Filter - Run" function to filter a unit group.


  • Instructs the AI to train some units of the specified type.

Transport Disable AutoPickup

  • Disables auto-pickup transport logic for an AI player's transports.

Transport Set Panic

  • Sets the percentage health at which a player's transports should flee. (Value range from 0 to 1).

Transport Set Return

  • Set the return location for a player's transports when they are done unloading / idle.

Wave Add Info

  • Add units of the specified type to the specified wave info.

Wave Add Unit

  • Adds a unit to a wave.

Wave Add Unit Priority

  • Adds a unit to a wave with a priority.

Wave Delete

  • Deletes a wave.

Wave Info Attack

  • Instructs a wave to attack with the specified parameters.

Wave Info Suicide

  • Instructs a wave to suicide attack with the specified parameters.

Wave Merge

  • Merges two waves together. Waves are specified using a player's wave indexes.

Wave Remove Unit

  • Removes a unit from a wave.

Wave Set

  • Associate a wave with an index for a player.

Wave Set Type

  • Sets the wave type and wave target for a wave.

Wave Target Add Waypoint

  • Adds a waypoint to the specified wave target. In Force Transport Mode, the wave units will attempt to load up in transports before approaching this waypoint. If there are not enough transports available for all of the units, the stranded units will be dropped from the wave.

Wave Target Clear Waypoints

  • Clears all waypoints for a wave target.


Clear Animation

  • Clears an animation with the chosen name (Identifier) on an actor.

Clear Animation On Doodads In Region

  • Clears an animation with the chosen name (Identifier) on all doodads of the specified type in the specified region.

Kill Doodads In Region

  • Causes all of the doodads in the selected region to play their death animation (if they have one).

Load Animation for Unit Type

  • Loads an animation for a unit. Note: This is a specialized action that generally relates to storymode models. It allows a model to load an additional set of animations set up for it. If a model is not set up to have additional animations, this action will not work.

Load Model Animation

  • Loads a specified animation for a model. Note: This is a specialized action that generally relates to storymode models. It allows a model to load an additional set of animations set up for it. If a model is not set up to have additional animations, this action will not work.

Load Overriding Animation for Unit Type

  • Loads an animation for a unit, and invalidates any existing duplicate sequences that already exist. Note: This is a specialized action that generally relates to storymode models. It allows a model to load an additional set of animations set up for it. If a model is not set up to have additional animations, this action will not work.

Load Overriding Model Animation

  • Loads a specified animation for a model, and invalidates any existing duplicate sequences that already exist in the model. Note: This is a specialized action that generally relates to storymode models. It allows a model to load an additional set of animations set up for it. If a model is not set up to have additional animations, this action will not work.

Play Animation

  • Plays an animation on an actor with a chosen name (Identifier). The Identifier is used to clear the animation or otherwise modify it after it starts playing.

Play Animation On Doodads In Region

  • Plays an animation with a chosen name (Identifier) on all of the doodads of the specified type in a region. The Identifier is used to clear the animation or otherwise modify it after it starts playing.

Remove Doodads In Region

  • Plays an animation with a chosen name (Identifier) on all of the doodads of the specified type in a region. The Identifier is used to clear the animation or otherwise modify it after it starts playing.

Set Animation Completion

  • Sets the progress completion percent for an animation. Does the same thing as "Set Animation Time", but with different parameters.

Set Animation Duration

  • Set the amount of seconds to play a specified animation.

Set Animation Time

  • Skips ahead in an animation, chosen by the Identifier parameter, to a time chosen by the Time value. If the Scaled parameter is set to Absolute, the time will be set according to the actual length of the animation for the model. If the Scaled parameter is set to Scaled, the time will be set relevent to the animation length determined by the actor controlling the animation.

Set Animation Time Scale

  • Sets the length of an animation, chosen by the Identifier parameter, to the Scale parameter relevant to the actual length of the animation for the model.

Turn All Animation Properties Off

  • Clears any set animation properties for the chosen target. An example of an animation property is "Fly" for Terran production buildings.

Turn Animation Properties Off

  • Turn off a special animation property. The unit must have the specified animation properties turned on (which can be done through one of the Turn Animation Properties On actions). An example of an animation property is "Fly" for Terran production buildings.

Turn Animation Properties On

  • Enable a special animation property. The unit must be set up to use the specified animation property. An example of an animation property is "Fly" for Terran production buildings. Use the Turn Animation Properties Off action to turn off the property that was turned on by this action.

Turn Animation Properties On With Blend In/Out

  • Enable a special animation property, play the Blend In Animation when the property is turned on, and play the Blend Out Animation when the property is turned off. The unit must be set up to use the specified animation property. An example of an animation property is "Fly" for Terran production buildings. If the unit is not set up to use one of the Blend Animations, then it will ignore it. Use the Turn Animation Properties Off action to turn off the property that was turned on by this action.

Unload Animation for Unit Type

  • Unloads an animation for a unit. Note: This is a specialized action that generally relates to storymode models. It will remove additional animation sets that have been loaded to the model through triggers.

Unload Model Animation

  • Loads a specified animation for a model. Note: This is a specialized action that generally relates to storymode models. It will remove additional animation sets that have been loaded to the model through triggers.


Create Bank Section

  • Creates a specific Section in the chosen Bank. Existing keys are preserved if the section already exists.

Delete Saved Campaign Banks

  • Deletes all the saved campaign banks specified in GameData

Open Bank

  • Opens a bank with the name specified by the Name parameter, for the chosen Player. If a bank with the specified name does not already exist, one will be created for the chosen player. A bank is an xml file where you can store information for later use, even across maps. It's a good method of saving information to pass between maps in a custom campaign or multiple part custom map. See the "Store Boolean" action for further information.

Preload Bank

  • Literal values must be used for the bank name and player (no variables or expressions). The specified bank data will be synchronized for all players when the game first loads.

Reload Bank

  • Reloads the specified bank file, allowing you to access stored values later. If a bank has unsaved changes they will be lost when it reloads.

Remove Bank

  • Removes the bank from the cache and no longer allows values to be written to it.

Remove Bank Key

  • Removes a specific bank Key from a section in the chosen bank.

Remove Bank Section

  • Removes a specific Section, and all of its keys, from the chosen Bank.

Restore Unit

  • Restores a unit contained in the chosen Bank at the specified Key of the specified Section. The unit will be created for the specified Player, at the specified Position, facing a specified Angle.

Save Bank

  • Saves the specified bank file, allowing you to access stored values later. If a bank is not saved, any changes made to it will be lost when the mission ends.

Set Bank Option

  • No information

Store Boolean

  • Stores a Boolean value to the specified Bank. The Section and Key parameters determine where the value is stored in the bank file, and must be used to load the value later. You must save a bank after storing a value, otherwise the value will not exist to load later.

Store Integer

  • Stores an Integer value to the specified Bank. The Section and Key parameters determine where the value is stored in the bank file, and must be used to load the value later. You must save a bank after storing a value, otherwise the value will not exist to load later.

Store Point

  • Stores a Point value to the specified Bank. The Section and Key parameters determine where the value is stored in the bank file, and must be used to load the value later. You must save a bank after storing a value, otherwise the value will not exist to load later.

Store Real

  • Stores a Real value to the specified Bank. The Section and Key parameters determine where the value is stored in the bank file, and must be used to load the value later. You must save a bank after storing a value, otherwise the value will not exist to load later.

Store String

  • Stores a String value to the specified Bank. The Section and Key parameters determine where the value is stored in the bank file, and must be used to load the value later. You must save a bank after storing a value, otherwise the value will not exist to load later.

Store Text

  • Stores a Text value to the specified Bank. The Section and Key parameters determine where the value is stored in the bank file, and must be used to load the value later. You must save a bank after storing a value, otherwise the value will not exist to load later.

Store Unit

  • Stores a Unit in the specified Bank. The Section and Key parameters determine where the Unit is stored in the bank file, and must be used to restore the unit later. You must save a bank after storing a value, otherwise the value will not exist to load later. Unit values are recalled with the "Restore Unit" action.

Wait For Bank

  • Waits for the specified bank file to finish reloading.


Apply Camera Object

  • Sets a players camera to a camera object. If you choose to Include Target, then the specified player's camera will also jump to the target point of the specified camera object. Otherwise, only the camera object's properties will be applied to the specified player's camera.

Apply Camera Property

  • Applies a specified camera property such as Depth of Field to a camera object.

Clear Camera Channel

  • Stops a model camera from using the specified render-to-texture channel.

Clear Camera Channel On Portrait

  • Stops a portrait from rendering to a render-to-texture channel.

Follow Unit Group with Camera

  • Follows a unit group with the camera.

Force Follow Unit Group with Camera

  • Toggles whether the camera is forced to follow the active follow unit group. If it is not forced to follow then it will rely on the player's local follow state.

Lock Camera Input

  • Locks the camera in place for a player, causing the player to be unable to move the camera in any way.

Lock Camera Mouse Relative Mode On/Off

  • When this is turned on, it will make all of a player's mouse movements act as if that player was drag-scrolling (holding down the middle mouse button). This will hide the mouse cursor. Use in conjunction with "Turn Camera Mouse Rotation On/Off" to make an FPS-style camera.

Make Camera Look At

  • Adjusts the camera to look at the new target point without changing the camera eye position.

Make Camera Look At And Follow Actor

  • Make the camera target follow an actor, without changing the camera eye position. Use 'No Actor' to stop looking at any actor.

Make Camera Look At And Follow Unit

  • Make the camera target follow a unit, without changing the camera eye position. Use 'No Unit' to stop looking at any unit.

Movie Add Sub Title (String)

  • When recording a movie, this function add a subtitle to the movie event file, it will be used at the specified time stamp when the movie is played back. If 'timeStamp' is -1, current recording time is used.

Movie Start Recording

  • Starts the recording of a movie in the *.ogg format, with the specified name. Only one movie can be recorded at a time. Starting a new recording will stop a movie that is currently being recorded. The file is saved in the "My Documents\Starcraft II\Videos" folder of the user.

Pan Camera

  • Pans the camera to the center of a region or point. If smart panning is enabled, the camera will not pan if it is already looking at the target point.

Restore Camera

  • Restores the camera to a previously saved configuration. You can save camera settings using "Save Camera".

Save Camera

  • Saves the current camera configurations. You can recall the camera settings using "Restore Camera".

Set Camera Bounds

  • Sets the camera bounds within a region. This will limit the specified Players from moving their camera beyond the specified Bounds. If the Minimap parameter is set to Do, the minimap will also shrink to fit the camera bounds. This is useful for hiding things off map, or having the playable area expand at some point during your map.

Set Camera Channel

  • Sets a model camera for the specified unit to be rendered to the specified render-to-texture channel.

Set Camera Channel On Portrait

  • In order to use this, you must first create a portrait through triggers. You can then use this action to have a camera object on that portrait render to a render-to-texture channel.

Set Camera Data

  • The active camera data determines how the camera moves and responds to player input. Camera data can be configured in the Data module.

Set Camera Mouse Rotation Speed

  • Sets the yaw or pitch sensitivity of the camera when camera mouse rotation is turned on.

Camera Object Property

  • Returns the value of the specified Property for the chosen Camera Object.

Set Camera Object Target

  • Sets a camera object to a selected point.

Shake Camera

  • Shakes the camera. If the Duration parameter is set to 0, it will shake the camera until stopped by the "Stop Shaking Camera" action. This action is useful for things such as explosions or earthquakes.

Shake Camera Using Preset

  • No information

Stop Shaking Camera

  • Stops shaking the camera.

Turn Camera Height Displacement On/Off

  • When this is enabled, and the camera is following a flying unit, the camera will adjust its height to ensure the flying unit stays visible when the camera zooms in.

Turn Camera Height Smoothing On/Off

  • When this is enabled, the camera will transition between terrain height changes smoothly.

Turn Camera Mouse Rotation On/Off

  • When this is turned on, it will make a player's drag-scroll camera movements rotate the camera in a free look fashion rather than drag the camera. Use in conjunction with "Lock Camera Mouse Relative Mode On/Off" to make an FPS-style camera.

Turn Camera Vertical Field Of View On/Off

  • By default, the horizontal screen space is preserved between aspect ratios, and the vertical space gets cropped or expanded as necessary. When vertical field of view is turned on, the vertical screen space will be preserved between aspect ratios, and the horizontal space will get cropped or expanded as necessary.

Use Model Camera

  • Uses the camera setting that is specific to a unit. This is primarily for model assets which have a built in camera, such as Portraits.

Zoom Camera

  • Zoom the camera in on a location.


Catalog Field Value Modify

  • Modifies the value of a field for an entry. To find the name of a field path, open the data editor and turn on View Raw Data. For example, if you wanted to set the unit for the first index of a train ability, your field path string would be "InfoArray[0].Unit".

Catalog Field Value Set

  • Sets the value of a field for an entry. To find the name of a field path, open the data editor and turn on View Raw Data. For example, if you wanted to set the unit for the first index of a train ability, your field path string would be "InfoArray[0].Unit".

Catalog Link Replace

  • Most game functionality will switch to using the replacement value when possible instead of the original value.

Catalog Reference Modify

  • Modifies the value of a field for an entry. To find the name of a field path, open the data editor and turn on View Raw Data. For example, if you wanted to set the unit for the first index of a train ability, your field path string would be "InfoArray[0].Unit".

Catalog Reference Set

  • Sets the value of a field for an entry. To find the name of a field path, open the data editor and turn on View Raw Data. For example, if you wanted to set the unit for the first index of a train ability, your field path string would be "InfoArray[0].Unit".


Cinematic Mode

  • Turns on/off cinematic mode for a player(s). Cinematic mode hides the normal gameplay UI. When cinematic mode is turned on, the state of the gameplay UI is cached, and when cinematic mode is turned off, the state of the gameplay UI is restored from that cache. Therefore, changing visibility settings of gameplay UI elements while cinematic mode is turned on will have no effect.

Fade In/Out

  • Fades the screen in or out over a specified amount of time.

Global Cinematic Setting

  • Turns on/off the aspects of cinematic mode that are not player-specific, such as game speed. This will also turn on fixed random seed, so random rolls done while in cinematic mode will come out the same every time it is run. These settings affect all players, so this action should not be used if some players in a game are viewing a cinematic while others are not. This action is intended to be used in conjunction with the "Cinematic Mode" action.

Movie Add SubTitle (Text)

  • When recording a movie, this function add a subtitle to the movie event file, it will be used at the specified time stamp when the movie is played back. If 'timeStamp' is -1, current recording time is used.

Movie Add Trigger Function

  • When recording a movie, this function add a trigger function to the movie event file, it will be called at the specified time stamp when the movie is played back. If 'timeStamp' is -1, current recording time is used.

Movie Dynamic Subtitles and Duration

  • When recording a movie, this function add a subtitle to the movie event file at the current recording time, dynamically pulling the text and duration from a sound entry.

Movie Stop Recording

  • Stops recording the movie.

Overlay Image

  • Fade in or out a texture overlay over a specified amount of time.

Run Cinematic

  • Runs a cinematic defined through the Cinematics window in the editor. Use "Stop Cinematic" to stop the cinematic.

Select Main Shadow Light

  • Selects a light to be the main shadow-casting light for the current scene. If Light Name is set to a blank string, this will attempt to select the default shadow light for the current scene.

Stop Cinematic

  • Stops any active cinematic that has been run using "Run Cinematic".


Transmission Comment (Conversation)

  • Used to display the speaker and subtitle text for a conversation line as a comment within the editor. Does not actually do anything.

Transmission Comment (Sound)

  • Used to display the speaker and subtitle text for a sound as a comment within the editor. Does not actually do anything.


Create Conversation

  • Creates a conversation. Conversations can be used to create interactive character dialogue that allows a player to select from a list of replies. Conversations can be created purely through triggers, or created in data, and run via triggers. Cinematic mode must be enabled using the Cinematic Mode action to view conversation choices.

Create Conversation Reply

  • Creates a conversation reply.

Load Data Conversation Lines And Choices

  • Loads the picked states of all choices and lines for the given conversation from a bank section.

Load Data Conversation State Value

  • Loads a specific conversation state value from a bank section.

Load Data Conversation State Values

  • Loads all state values of the given conversation state from a bank section.

Mark Conversation Reply As Read/Unread

  • Marks a conversation reply as either read or unread.

Mark Data Conversation Choice As Picked/Unpicked

  • Marks a conversation choice as either picked or unpicked.

Mark Data Conversation Choice As Read/Unread

  • Marks a conversation choice as either read or unread.

Preload Data Conversation Lines

  • Preloads sound files for all lines available to be run within the given conversation.

Preload Data Conversation Lines For Next Map

  • Preloads sound files for all lines available to be run within the given conversation.

Remove All Conversation Replies

  • Removes all replies from a conversation.

Remove All Conversations

  • Removes all conversations.

Remove Conversation

  • Removes a conversation.

Remove Conversation Reply

  • Removes a reply from a conversation.

Reset Data Conversation Line Players

  • Reset the conversation line to play for the default players associated with the entire conversation.

Reset Data Conversation Lines and Choices

  • Resets the picked states of all choices and lines for the given conversation back to the default unread state.

Reset Data Conversation State Values

  • Resets all state values of the given conversation state back to zero.

Run Data Conversation

  • Runs a conversation for the specified player group. If the conversation contains Choices, cinematic mode must be enabled to view them, using the Cinematic Mode action.

Save Data Conversation Lines And choices

  • Saves the picked states of all choices and lines within the given conversation to a bank section.

Save Data Conversation State Value

  • Saves a specific conversation state value to a bank section.

Save Data Conversation State Values

  • Saves all state values within the given conversation state to a bank section.

Set Conversation Reply Text

  • Sets the text for a conversation reply.

Set Data Conversation Camera

  • Sets a camera to be used and a trigger to be run when the specified camera state and character state are reached.

Set Data Conversation Choice Picked Count

  • Sets the picked count for a conversation choice.

Set Data Conversation Line Picked Count

  • Sets the picked count for a conversation line.

Set Data Conversation Line Players

  • Set the conversation line to only play for the given players. This overrides the players associated with the entire conversation, but cannot add players that are not viewing the conversation itself.

Set Data Conversation Listener Gender

  • The listener gender will be used to look for alternate text or sound data associated with voice overs.

Set Data Conversation Portrait

  • Sets a portrait to be used for a given character during data-driven conversations.

Set Data Conversation State

  • Sets a conversation state to an integer.

Set Data Conversation Unit

  • Sets a conversation state to a unit.

Show/Hide Conversation

  • Shows or hides a conversation for a player group.

Show/Hide Data Conversation Line For Observers

  • When hidden, the line will never be played for observers. When showing, the line will be played as long as it is visible to any player being observed.

Simuate Data Conversation

  • Changes all appropriate conversation state as if the given conversation had been run.

Stop Data Conversation

  • Stops the active conversation.


To be filled

Data Table

To be filled


To be filled


To be filled


To be filled


To be filled


To be filled


To be filled


To be filled


To be filled


To be filled


To be filled


To be filled


To be filled

Player Group

To be filled


To be filled


To be filled


To be filled


To be filled


To be filled


To be filled

Tech Tree

To be filled

Text Tag

To be filled


To be filled


To be filled


To be filled


To be filled


To be filled

Unit Group

To be filled


To be filled

Unit Selection

To be filled

User Data

To be filled


To be filled


To be filled
