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Actor[ | ]

Description[ | ]

These functions, actions and events manipulates actor data. They make it possible to create new actors on the fly while the game is running, as well as modifying the actors defined in the Data Module. Typical applications of actor actions are to manipulate the appearance of unit models.

Hints[ | ]

Applications[ | ]

  • Giving a unit a halo: Use the function "Send Actor Message" and apply it on the main actor of a unit on the map ("Actor From Unit"). The message to send to the actor should be "Halo start". Copy paste this action and change the "Halo Start" to "Set Halo Color". Pick a orange color. When these two actions are executed, the unit you picked will get an orange outline.

Create Actors[ | ]

Create Actor[ | ]

  • Action. Creates an actor. The Scope parameter can be null if you do not want to create the actor in an existing scope. The Name parameter is the string ID of the actor you are creating. The Content parameters are optional, and allow you to specify additional properties for the actor being created. Running the "Last Created Actor" function immediately after this action will return the actor created by this action.

Last Created Actor New[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the last actor successfully created by the user via script. Does not include AutoCreates, request creates, or Create messages in response to actor events.

Last Created Actor by Message[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the last actor successfully created by the user via cheat, data or script. Includes actors created by the Create message, but only if it is sent via cheat or script. Does not include AutoCreates, request creates, or Create messages in response to actor events.

Create Actor Region[ | ]

  • Action. Creates a region actor from a game region. You can use a region actor to send an actor message to all of the actors that are currently inside it. If you set a variable to "Last Created Actor" after running this action, your variable will be set to the region actor created by this action.

Create Actor Scope[ | ]

  • Action. Creates an empty actor scope. You can get the scope that was created by using "Last Created Actor Scope". An actor scope is a container for a set of actors. Therefore, this action is only useful if you intend to create actors in the scope you create.

Last Created Actor Scope New[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the last actor scope successfully created by the user via cheat, data or script.

Last Created Actor Scope by Message[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the last actor scope successfully created by the user via cheat, data or script.

Attach Actor To Unit[ | ]

  • Action. Creates an actor attached to a unit at the specified attach point. Use "Last Created Actor" to get the actor.

Attach Model To Unit[ | ]

  • Action. Creates a generic actor with the specified model attached to a unit at the specified attach point. Use "Last Created Actor" to get the actor.

Create Actor At Point[ | ]

  • Action. Creates an actor at the specified point. Running the "Last Created Actor" function immediately after this action will return the actor created by this action.

Create Model At Point[ | ]

  • Action. Creates a generic actor with the specified model at the specified point. Running the "Last Created Actor" function immediately after this action will return the actor created by this action.

Last Created Actor[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the last actor successfully created by the user via cheat, data or script. Includes actors created by the Create message, but only if it is sent via cheat or script. Does not include AutoCreates, request creates, or Create messages in response to actor events.

Last Created Actor Scope[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the last actor scope successfully created by the user via cheat, data or script.

Destroy Actors[ | ]

Kill Actor Scope[ | ]

  • Action. Kills an actor scope along with all of the actors in that scope. An actor scope is a container for a set of actors.

Orphan Actor Scope[ | ]

  • Action. Tells an actor scope to orphan itself, meaning that, once all of the actors inside of that scope have died, the scope will kill itself. Under normal circumstances, this happens automatically. However, it is theoretically possible for a user (through trigger script) to create actors in a scope where the scope won't automatically die once its actors are dead.

Kill All Particles[ | ]

  • Action. This will destroy all of the active particles on the map for all players. Models that emit particles will still continue to do so, this will just kill the existing particles.

Kill Model[ | ]

  • Action. Tells a model actor type to play its death animation and then destroy itself. It will only work on model actors, such as those created by the "Attach Model to Unit" action.

Remove Death Models in Region[ | ]

  • Action. Destroys all of the unit death models in the specified region and calls Kill All Particles.

Remove Doodads in Region[ | ]

  • Action. Instantly removes all doodads of the specified type from a game region. If the doodad being removed has a footprint, that footprint will still linger, even though the doodad's actor has been destroyed.

Look At[ | ]

Make Actor Look At Actor (Custom)[ | ]

  • Action. Makes an actor look at another actor. The parameters of this action allow you more control over the look at than "Make Actor Look At Actor".

Make Actor Stop Looking (Custom)[ | ]

  • Action. Clears the look at target for the specified actor. The parameters of this action allow you more control over the look at than "Make Actor Stop Looking".

Make Actor Look At Actor[ | ]

  • Action. Makes the specified actor look at the specified target, using preset settings defined by the specified look at type.

Make Actor Stop Looking[ | ]

  • Action. Clears the look at target for the specified actor, using preset settings defined by the specified look at type.

Create Look At Target At Point[ | ]

  • Action. Creates an invisible look at target actor at the specified point. If you set an actor variable to "Last Created Actor" immediately after this action, it will set the variable to the look at target that is created by this action. You can then use that variable in an action such as "Actor Look At Start".

Create Look At Target At Unit Attach Point[ | ]

  • Action. Creates an invisible look at target actor and attaches it to the specified attach point of the specified unit. If you set an actor variable to "Last Created Actor" immediately after this action, it will set the variable to the look at target that is created by this action. You can then use that variable in an action such as "Actor Look At Start".

Look At Target From Point With Z Offset[ | ]

  • Function. Returns an actor that is an invisible look at target actor at the specified point.

Look At Target From Unit Attach Point[ | ]

  • Function. Returns an actor that is an invisible look at target attached to the specified attach point of the specified unit.

Make Unit Look At Point[ | ]

  • Action. Makes the specified unit look at the specified point, using preset settings defined by the specified look at type.

Make Unit Look At Unit[ | ]

  • Action. Makes the specified unit look at the specified other unit's attach point, using preset settings defined by the specified look at type.

Make Unit Look At Actor[ | ]

  • Action. Makes the specified unit look at the specified target, using preset settings defined by the specified look at type.

Make Unit Stop Looking[ | ]

  • Action. Clears the look at target for the specified unit, using preset settings defined by the specified look at type.

Message Constructors[ | ]

Actor Msg 1[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns an actor message with a single parameter. The actor message returned is formed by combining the Msg Name and Param 1 string parameters. This function is primarily used by other "Actor" type functions to assemble actor messages, although it can be used to assemble any actor message from scratch with the right know-how.

Actor Msg 2[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns an actor message with two parameters. The actor message returned is formed by combining the Msg Name, Param 1, and Param 2 string parameters. This function is primarily used by other "Actor" type functions to assemble actor messages, although it can be used to assemble any actor message from scratch with the right know-how.

Actor Msg 3[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns an actor message with three parameters. The actor message returned is formed by combining the Msg Name, Param 1, Param 2, and Param 3 string parameters. This function is primarily used by other "Actor" type functions to assemble actor messages, although it can be used to assemble any actor message from scratch with the right know-how.

Actor Msg 4[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns an actor message with four parameters. The actor message returned is formed by combining the Msg Name, Param 1, Param 2, Param 3 and Param 4 string parameters. This function is primarily used by other "Actor" type functions to assemble actor messages, although it can be used to assemble any actor message from scratch with the right know-how.

Action Damage[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns an ActionDamage actor message. Sends a notification message to the game that damage has happened, so the target can react appropriately.

Action Impact[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns an ActionImpact actor message. Sends a notification message to the game that an Impact has happened, so the target can react appropriately.

Alias Add[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns an AliasAdd actor message based on the parameters. This message can be used to associate the Alias parameter with an actor as an alias. Actor aliases are additional names that can be used to refer to an actor in other functions and actions.

Alias Remove[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns an AliasRemove actor message based on the parameters. AliasRemove messages are used to remove existing aliases associated with an actor. The Alias parameter determines which alias to remove.

Anim Baseline Start[ | ]

  • Function. Returns an AnimBaselineStart actor message. This message can be used to tell an actor to begin playing its baseline animations, which include animations such as stand and move. It will only work on actors with models that have animations.

Anim Baseline Stop[ | ]

  • Function. Returns an AnimBaselineStop actor message. This message can be used to tell an actor to stop playing its baseline animations and remain completely still unless specifically told to perform an animation by another actor message. It will only work on actors with models that have animations.

Anim Blend Time Apply[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns an AnimBlendTimeApply actor message based on the parameters. This message will set the default blend time for animations played by the actor it is sent to. It will only work on actors with models that have animations.

Anim Blend Time Remove[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns an AnimBlendTimeRemove actor message based on the parameters. This message will remove any existing animation blend time messages on the actor it is sent to, causing it to revert to the default animation blend time. It will only work on actors with models that have animations.

Anim Clear[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns an AnimClear actor message. This message will clear an animation sequence with the same name as the Anim Name parameter being played by an actor. It will only work on actors with models that have animations.

Anim Clear All But[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns an AnimClearAllBut actor message. This message will clear all animation sequences except that with the same name as the Anim Name parameter being played by an actor. It will only work on actors with models that have animations.

Anim Dump DB[ | ]

  • Action. Debug tool. Outputs all animations on a specified model.

Anim Group Remove All[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns an AnimGroupRemoveAll actor message based on the parameters. The AnimGroupRemoveAll message is used to remove all extra animation groups such as Burrow or Flying from an Actor model.

Anim Play Sequence[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns an AnimPlaySequence message. This message will create an animation sequence based on the animations listed in the Sequence list, and assign it an animation name. It will only work on actors with models that have animations.

Anim Set Completion[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns an AnimSetCompletion actor message. This message will set the animation to be a percentage complete. It will only work on actors with models that have animations.

Anim Set Duration[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns an AnimSetDuration actor message. This message will set the duration in seconds it takes to play the animation. It will only work on actors with models that have animations.

Anim Set Paused[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns an AnimPlayPaused message. This is used to pause or unpause all animations for a model. It will only work on actors with models that have animations.

Anim Set Time[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns an AnimSetTime actor message. This message will set the animation to be a set time through completion. It will only work on actors with models that have animations.

Anim Set Time Scale[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns an AnimSetTimeScale actor message. This message will set the time scale of the animation. It will only work on actors with models that have animations.

Anim Set Time Scale Global[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a AnimSetTimeScaleGlobal actor message. This message alters the games global animation speed scale.

Attach Set Bearings[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns an AttachSetBearings message. Sets the bearings of a model's attach point (or potentially multiple attach points if you use an attach method) to the specified world coordinates and rotation.

Attach Set Bearings From[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns an AttachSetBearingsFrom message. Sets the bearings of a model's attach point (or potentially multiple attach points if you use an attach method) to a location or site op from a specified Actor.

Attach Set Position[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns an AttachSetPosition message. Sets the position of a model's attach point (or potentially multiple attach points if you use an attach method) to the specified world coordinates.

Attach Set Position From[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns an AttachSetPositionFrom message. Sets the position of a model's attach point (or potentially multiple attach points if you use an attach method) to a location or site op from a specified actor.

Attach Set Rotation[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns an AttachSetRotation message. Sets the rotation of a model's attach point (or potentially multiple attach points if you use an attach method) to the specified rotation.

Attach Set Rotation From[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns an AttachSetRotationFrom message. Sets the rotation of a model's attach point (or potentially multiple attach points if you use an attach method) to a location or site op from a specified actor.

Create[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a Create actor message. This message will create an actor. Content parameter is optional. Works on all actor types.

Create Copy[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a CreateCopy actor message. This message will create an actor copy of another actor.

Death Customize[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a DeathCustomize actor message. Used for alternate death sequences depending on different conditions. Example: burrowed/unburrowed

Destroy[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a Destroy actor message. This message destroys the actor it is sent to, removing it from the game entirely.

HostSiteOpsSet[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a HostSiteOpsSet actor message. This is used to change the site ops for an actor. The Host Name parameter is used to indicate which host you want to modify the site ops for. Typically, this will just be ::Host, but could refer to other host references as well.

List Add[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a ListAdd actor message. This can only be sent to an actor list. Adds the referenced actor to the actor list. The purpose of a list is so all actors in the list could have the same actions applied (example: tree doodads in an area all catch fire).

List Remove[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a ListRemove actor message. This can only be sent to an actor list. Removes the referenced actor from the actor list.

Anim Bracket Resume[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns an AnimBracketResume actor message based on the parameters. This message will resume a stopped animation bracket being executed by an actor. It will only work on actors with models that have animations.

Anim Bracket Start[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns an AnimBracketStart actor message based on the parameters. This message tells an actor to begin an anim bracket with the specified parameters. An anim bracket is refered to by its name, determined by the name parameter, and consists of three animations defined as Opening Props, Content Props, and Closing Props. The Opening Props parameter determines which animation the actor will play at the beginning of the anim bracket. The Content Props parameter determines the intermediate animation. If Content Props is set to an animation that loops it will play until the anim bracket is ended, otherwise it will only play once. The Closing Props parameter determines which animation is played when the anim bracket ends. It will only work on actors with models that have animations.

Anim Bracket Stop[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns an AnimBracketStop actor message based on the parameters. This message will stop an anim bracket with the same name as the Anim Name parameter being played by an actor, causing it to play its closing animation and return to normal behavior. It will only work on actors with models that have animations.

Anim Group Apply[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns an AnimGroupApply actor message based on the parameters. The AnimGroupApply message is used to apply an extra animation group such as Burrow or Flying onto the normal animations such as Walk or Stand.

Anim Group Remove[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns an AnimGroupRemove actor message based on the parameters. The AnimGroupRemove message is used to remove an extra animation group such as Burrow or Flying that has been apllied onto normal animations such as Walk or Stand.

Anim Play[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns an AnimPlay message. This message will play an animation for the model based on the parameters given. It will only work on actors with models that have animations.

Ref Create[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a RefCreate actor message. This message creates an actor reference that client code and data can use to store references to other living actors. The Actor Ref Name parameter determines the name of the actor reference, which is used to call it through other actor messages.

Ref Set From Request[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a RefSetFromRequest actor message based on the parameters. This message uses an actor request to determine what actor should be stored in the reference. The Ref Name parameter is the reference to store the actor in once it is found. Note: Utilizing this function requires a strong knowledge of the actor system.

Ref Table Dump[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a RefTableDump actor message based on the parameters. This message dumps an entire actor reference table. The Space parameter determines which ref table will be dumped: 1 will dump the global ref table, 2 will dump the scope ref table, and 3 will dump the actor ref table. When a table is dumped, all existing actor references in that table's category will be printed to the debug log.

Set Physics State[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a SetPhysicsState actor message based on the parameters. This message will dictate to the actor how its associated physics should behave. It will only work on actors with a model.

Texture Select By Match[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a TextureSelectByMatch actor message. Selects a texture into the specified slot so as to best match the contents of the source slot. Useful for populating Normal, Specular and Emissive slot components from the diffuse component. Works on actors with a model.

Texture Select By Slot[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a TextureSelectBySlot actor message. Select a texture into a texture slot based on the specified texture expression. Works on actors with a model.

Texture Video Play (Advanced)[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a TextureVideoPlay actor message. Plays a video texture in a texture slot with the specified rate and flags. Works on actors with a model.

Texture Video Play[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a TextureVideoPlay actor message. Plays a video texture in a texture slot with the specified rate and flags. Works on actors with a model.

Texture Video Set Frame (Advanced)[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a TextureVideoSetFrame actor message. Sets the frame of a video texture that is playing on the specified slot. Works on actors with a model.

Texture Video Set Paused (Advanced)[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a TextureVideoSetPaused actor message. Sets the pause state of the video texture in the specified texture slot. Works on actors with a model.

Texture Video Set Time (Advanced)[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a TextureVideoSetTime actor message. Sets the play position (in seconds) of the video texture in the specified texture slot. Works on actors with a model.

Texture Video Stop (Advanced)[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a TextureVideoStop actor message. Stops a video texture in the specified texture slot. Works on actors with a model.

Transition[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a Transition actor message. Signals a generic transition "in" or "out" over a duration. Works on rocker site actors.

Missile Tentacle Return[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a MissileTentacleReturn actor message. This message causes an actor to return to its origin point immediately. It will only work on missile actors that are flagged as tentacles.

Model Event Suppress[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a ModelEventSuppress message. Suppress a class of model events. This allows you to toggle whether a specific model event affects an actor.

Model Swap[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a ModelSwap actor message. This message will swap the current model of an actor with an model to the specified Model and Variation number.

Mover Move[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a MoverMove actor message. Starts the actor in motion according to the conditions that have been given to the mover. It will only work on a mover site actor.

Mover Set Acceleration[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a MoverSetAcceleration actor message. This will set the acceleration velocity of the mover. It will only work on a mover site actor.<n/>

Mover Set Deceleration[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a MoverSetDeceleration actor message. This will set the deceleration velocity of the mover. It will only work on a mover site actor.<n/>

Mover Set Destination 2D[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a SetMoverDestination2D actor message. This message alters an actor's 2D map grid destination based on the X,Y parameters. It will only work on a mover site actor.

Mover Set Destination From[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a SetMoverDestinationFrom actor message. This message alters an actor's 2D map grid destination relative to the actor referenced. It will only work on a mover site actor.

Mover Set Destination H[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a SetMoverDestinationH actor message. This message alters an actor's relative height based on the ground level and the parameter set. It will only work on a mover site actor.<n/>

Mover Set Destination Z[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a MoverSetDestinationZ actor message. This message set an actor's absolute height based on the parameter set. It will only work on a mover site actor.<n/>

Mover Set Speed[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a MoverSetSpeed actor message. This will set the movers current speed. It will only work on a mover site actor.<n/>

Mover Set Speed From Duration[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a MoverSetSpeedFromDuration actor message. This will set the movers speed based on a duration of time. A shorter time will cause it to move faster. It will only work on a mover site actor.<n/>

Mover Set Speed Max[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a MoverSetSpeedMax actor message. This will set the movers maximum speed. It will only work on a mover site actor.<n/>

Mover Stop[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a MoverStop actor message. Tells the mover to stop, it will decelerate based on its current deceleration value before coming to a complete halt. It will only work on a mover site actor.

Mover Stop Now[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a MoverStopNow actor message. Stops the mover directly and immediately regardless of deceleration or speed. It will only work on a mover site actor.

Multiply Scale[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a MultiplyScale actor message. This will multiply the current scale of the actor by the multipliers specified over the duration specified. Will only work on actors with a model.

Print[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a Print actor message. This message will display the String parameter in the debug log. It is a useful debugging tool for ensuring that an actor is behaving as desired, as oftentimes actors are behind the scenes.

Query Persistent[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a QueryPersistent actor message. This message will instruct a region actor to send a message to other actors when they enter or leave that region actor. The Enter Response Actor parameter determines what message will be sent to actors entering the region actor, and the Leave Response Actor determines the actor message sent to actors exiting the region actor. This message only works on region actors.

Query Radius[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a QueryRadius actor message. This message will search a radius equal to the Radius parameter around an actor, and send an actor message determined by the Response Actor parameter to any actors it finds in that radius.

Query Region[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a QueryRegion actor message. This message searches a region actor determined by the Region Actor parameter and sends a message determined by the Response Actor parameter to any actors found inside of the region actor.

Ref Clear[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a RefClear actor message. The Actor Ref name parameter determines the actor ref to clear. This will remove the actor associated with that reference, but leave the reference for future use. An actor ref can have any type of actor assigned to it.

Ref Destroy[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a RefDestroy actor message based on the parameters. This message destroys an existing actor reference with a name equal to the Actor Ref Name parameter. Once it is destroyed it will no loner be accessible.

Ref Dump[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a RefDump actor message based on the parameters. This message will display the contents of an actor reference, chosen through the Actor Ref Name parameter, to the debug log. This is a useful debugging tool as it allows you to see what is being stored inside of the selected actor reference.

Ref Notify[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a RefNotify actor message based on the parameters. Typically used with a target, this message allows one actor to send a ref to another actor. The signal parameter allows you to differentiate RefNotify messages if multiple messages are used in the same context.

Ref Set[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a RefSet actor message based on the parameters. This message will store an actor determined by the Ref Source parameter, into an existing actor reference determined by the Actor Ref Name parameter. Note: This will only set a value in an actor reference that already exists, it will not create a new reference.

Ref Set From Actor[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a RefSetFromActor actor message based on the parameters. This message will set an actor relative to another actor. For example, "RefSetFromActor ::global.test ::Creator ::Host" would set the ::global.test ref to the host of the actor that created the actor from which this message is being sent. Note: This will only set a value in an actor reference that already exists, it will not create a new reference.

Ref Set From Msg[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a RefSetFromMsg actor message based on the parameters. This message will store an actor determined by the Message parameter, into an existing actor reference determined by the Actor Ref Name parameter. Note: This will only set a value in an actor reference that already exists, it will not create a new reference.

Ref Set Refresh Name[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a RefSetRefreshName actor message based on the parameters. This can be used to update a ref which doesnt update automatically in the actor system, although most should update automatically. Actor should automatically refresh references in special cases (for instance, you have a squib hosted off a hydralisk which turns into an egg. Actor needs to update the host of the squib to host off an analogous attach point on the egg), but this is there just in case it's needed at some point. Note: This will only set a value in an actor reference that already exists, it will not create a new reference.

Set Bearings[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a SetBearings actor message based on the parameters. This message will set the 3D position and 3D rotation of an actor. The Position X, Y, and Z parameters correspond to the 3D map grid location. The Forward X,Y,Z parameters and the Up X,Y,Z parameters correspond to the 3D rotation of the actor. It will only work on actors that have bearings, such as model actors or doodad actors.

Set Bearings From[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a SetBearingsFrom actor message based on the parameters. This message will set the 3D position and 3D rotation of an actor to the same 3D position and 3D rotation of another actor chosen with the Actor parameter. It will only work on actors that have bearings, such as model actors or doodad actors.

Set Bearings H[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a SetBearingsH actor message based on the parameters. This message operates similarly to a SetBearings message but rather than specifying an absolute Z value you specify a Height value, which is relative to the game terrain level. It will only work on actors that have bearings, such as model actors or doodad actors.

Set Facing[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a SetFacing actor message based on the parameters. This message will set the 2D facing of an actor according to the Facing parameter. It will only work on actors that have bearings, such as model actors or doodad actors.

Set Height[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a SetHeight actor message based on the parameters. This message sets the actor at a height relative to the terrain, rather than specifying an absolute Z axis value. It will only work on actors that have bearings, such as model actors or doodad actors.

Set Local Tint Color[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a SetLocalTintColor actor message based on the parameters. This will set an actors tint color for only the current player. This will only work on actor's with a model.

Set Opacity[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a SetOpacity actor message based on the parameters. This message sets an actor's opacity to the Opacity parameter value. The available range 0 to 1. The Blend Duration parameter determines how long it should take to blend from the actor's current opacity to the desired opacity. If the Blend Duration parameter is left at 0, it will change opacity instantly.

Set Position[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a SetPosition actor message based on the parameters. This message will set the 3D position of an actor, determined by the X,Y,Z parameters.

Set Position 2D[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a SetPosition2D actor message based on the parameters. This message sets the 2D position of an actor, determined by the X,Y parameters. Note: Using this message will set the Z position of the actor to the default terrain level.

Set Position 2D H[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a SetPosition2DH actor message based on the parameters. This message sets the 2D position of an actor, determined by the X,Y parameters, while preserving the current height value.

Set Position From[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a SetPositionFrom actor message based on the parameters. This message will set the 3D position of an actor to the 3D position of another actor, specified through the Actor parameter.

Set Position H[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a SetPositionH actor message based on the parameters. This message will set the 2D position of an actor to the X,Y parameters, while adjusting its height relative to the terrain determined by the Height parameter.

Set Render To Texture Enabled[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a SetRenderToTextureEnabled actor message. This will enable or disable a model's ability to use render to texture. Only works on actors with models that are set up for render to texture in the model file.

Set Rotation[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a SetRotation actor message based on the parameters. This message will set the 3D rotation of the actor according to the Forward X,Y,Z parameters and the Up X,Y,Z parameters.

Set Rotation From[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a SetRotationFrom actor message based on the parameters. This message will set the 3D rotation of an actor to the 3D rotation of another actor specified through the Actor parameter.

Set Scale[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a SetScale actor message based on the parameters. This message sets the X,Y,Z scale of an actor's model, relative to the model's data entry X,Y,Z scale value, to the X,Y,Z parameter values. This will take place over a number of game time seconds determined by the Blend Duration parameter. If Blend Duration is left at 0, the change in scale will occur immediately. Note: This only works on actors with models.

Set Scale Absolute[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a SetScaleAbsolute actor message based on the parameters. This message sets the absolute X,Y,Z scale of an actor's model to the X,Y,Z parameter values. This will take place over a number of game time seconds determined by the Blend Duration parameter. If Blend Duration is left at 0, the change in scale will occur immediately. Note: This only works on actors with models.

Set Team Color[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a SetTeamColor actor message based on the parameters. The Diffuse R,G,B parameter values determine the color of any diffuse textures on the model, such as the areas that display the color associated with their controlling player. The Emissive R,G,B parameter values determine the color of any emissive textures on the model, such as the energy blades on the Zealot model. This will only work on actor's with a model.

Set Tint Color[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a SetLocalTintColor actor message based on the parameters. This will set an actors tint color for all players. This will only work on actor's with a model.

Set Visibility[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a SetVisibility actor message based on the parameters. This message will set the visibility state for the actor's model on or off, depending on the visibility parameter value. If set to 0, the model will not show up. If set to 1, the model will show up. Other factors (such as if the model is under the fog of war) can affect an actor's visibility - this message cannot force an actor to be visibile if the game engine is causing it to be invisible. The reverse is possible, however - this message can force an actor to be invisible. In other words, invisibility always wins.

Set Walk Anim Move Speed[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a SetWalkAnimMoveSpeed actor message. This message alters an actor's relative walking animation speed, 1=normal, less is faster, more is slower.

Set Z[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a SetZ actor message based on the parameters. This message sets the absolute height of the actor, determined by the Z parameter.

Signal[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a Signal actor message based on the parameters. This message will send a signal with a name determined by the Signal parameter to an actor. If the actor is set up to respond to a signal by that name it will do so, otherwise it will have no effect. Note: This is a relatively advanced actor message, as the actor you are sending the signal to must be pre-configured to respond to a signal message with the same name.

Sound Add DSP[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a SoundAddDSP actor message based on the parameters. This message will add a reverb effect, chosen by the Effect parameter, to a sound. This will only work on sound actors.

Sound Set Muted[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a SoundSetMuted actor message based on the parameters. This message will mute or unmute a sound depending on the Muted State parameter: 1 is muted, 0 is unmuted. It can mute or unmute with or without a fade depending on the Fade parameter: 1 is fade, 0 is do not fade.

Sound Set Offset[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a SoundSetOffset actor message based on the parameters. This message will offset the sound playback, in milliseconds, by a value equal to the Offset parameter. This can be used to skip a portion of a sound played by a sound actor. It will only work on sound actors.

Sound Set Paused[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a SoundSetPaused actor message based on the parameters. This message will paused or unpause a sound depending on the Paused State parameter: 1 is paused, 0 is unpaused. It can pause or unpause with or without fade depending on the Fade parameter: 1 is fade, 0 is do not fade.

Status Decrement[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a StatusDecrement actor message. This message is used to decrement an existing status variable, specified by the Status Variable parameter, on an actor. If the status variable count is 0 a StatusOff message tied to that status variable is sent to the actor, which would respond in a pre-determined fashion to no longer having that status. Note: This is a relatively advanced actor concept, as it requires an actor be setup to respond to a StatusOn or StatusOff message to have any effect.

Status Increment[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a StatusIncrement actor message. This message is used to increment an existing status variable, specified by the Status Variable parameter, on an actor. If the status variable count is raised above 0 a StatusOn message tied to that status variable is sent to the actor, which would respond in a pre-determined fashion to having that status. Note: This is a relatively advanced actor concept, as it requires an actor be setup to respond to a StatusOn or StatusOff message to have any effect.

Texture Dump[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a TextureDump actor message. Prints the current texture list for an actor. Works on actors with a model.

Texture Dump DB[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a TextureDumpDB actor message. This message prints out all of the possible textures that could be applied to the model of an actor to the debug log. It only works on actors with models.

Texture Group Apply[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a TextureGroupApply message based on the parameters. This message will change which set of textures are being displayed on an actor. An example of this is the Vespene Geyser unit, which has a different texture set (or prop) for each tileset. Note: This is a relatively advanced actor concept, as the textures must be set up in the data in order for a model to display them.

Texture Group Remove[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a TextureGroupRemove actor message based on the parameters. This message will remove a set of texture props associated with the name given in the Texture Props parameter. The unit will revert to its default texture, if it is not already using it.

Texture Select By ID[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a TextureSelectById actor message. Selects a texture that is defined in game data. Works on actors with a model.

Texture Video Set Frame[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a TextureVideoSetFrame actor message. Sets the frame of a video texture that is playing on the specified slot. Works on actors with a model.

Texture Video Set Paused[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a TextureVideoSetPaused actor message. Sets the pause state of the video texture in the specified texture slot. Works on actors with a model.

Texture Video Set Time[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a TextureVideoSetTime actor message. Sets the play position (in seconds) of the video texture in the specified texture slot. Works on actors with a model.

Texture Video Stop[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a TextureVideoStop actor message. Stops a video texture in the specified texture slot. Works on actors with a model.

Texture Video Stop All[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a TextureVideoStopAll actor message. Stops all video textures on the actor it is sent to. Works on actors with a model.

Timer Kill[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a TimerKill message based on the parameters. This message will remove a timer currently ticking on an actor. It will not trigger its expiration effect.

Timer Set[ | ]

  • Function. Constructs and returns a TimerSet message based on the parameters. This message will create a timer on the actor that will last for the Duration parameter in game time seconds. The Timer Name parameter determines the name of the timer. When the timer expires a TimerExpired actor message is sent to the target actor, who would behave in a pre-determined fashion. Note: This is a relatively advanced actor concept, as it requires an actor to be setup to respond to a TimerExpired actor message to have any effect.

Send Actor Messages[ | ]

Send Actor Message To Actor Region With Filters[ | ]

  • Function. Sends an actor message to all the actors contained within the specified region actor. The Intersect Type parameter defines which radius will be used to determine intersection with the region. The Class Filters parameter is used to specify which types of actors should receive the message. The format for Class Filters is a list of comma delimited actor types. The Terms parameter is used to specify a condition that an actor in the region must meet in order to receive the message. The format for Terms is a list of semi colon delimited actor terms. An actor message will perform an action and/or trigger an event on the actor it is sent to.

Send Actor Message To Actor Region[ | ]

  • Function. Sends an actor message to all the actors contained within the specified region actor. An actor message will perform an action and/or trigger an event on the actor it is sent to.

Send Actor Message To Scope[ | ]

  • Function. Sends an actor message to all actors in the specified scope. An actor scope is a container for a set of actors. An actor message will perform an action and/or trigger an event on the actor it is sent to.

Send Actor Message[ | ]

  • Function. Sends an actor message to an actor. An actor message will perform an action and/or trigger an event on the actor it is sent to.

Send Actor Message Via Name[ | ]

  • Function. Sends an actor message to an actor that is related to another actor. The Actor parameter is used to specify the primary actor, and the Name parameter is used to specify a reference (such as ::Host) that will derive a secondary actor from the primary actor. The message gets sent to the secondary actor. An actor message will perform an action and/or trigger an event on the actor it is sent to.

Send Actor Message To Game Region[ | ]

  • Function. Sends an actor message to all the actors contained within the specified game region. An actor message will perform an action and/or trigger an event on the actor it is sent to.

Send Actor Message To Game Region With Filters[ | ]

  • Function. Sends an actor message to all the actors contained within the specified game region. The Intersect Type parameter defines which radius will be used to determine intersection with the region. The Class Filters parameter is used to specify which types of actors should receive the message. The format for Class Filters is a list of comma delimited actor types. The Terms parameter is used to specify a condition that an actor in the region must meet in order to receive the message. The format for Terms is a list of semi colon delimited actor terms. An actor message will perform an action and/or trigger an event on the actor it is sent to.

Send Actor Message To Unit[ | ]

  • Function. Sends an actor message to a unit's actor. An actor message will perform an action and/or trigger an event on the actor it is sent to.

Utility[ | ]

Actor From[ | ]

  • Function. Returns an actor from the actor reference specified in the Name parameter.

Actor From Actor[ | ]

  • Function. Returns an actor that is connected to the specified actor. The Name parameter can be either an actor ID or an actor reference, but is typically an actor reference.

Actor From Doodad[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the actor for the specified doodad.

Actor From Portrait[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the actor for the specified portrait.

Actor From Scope[ | ]

  • Function. Returns an actor from the specified scope. The Name parameter can be either an actor ID or an actor reference.

Actor Get Text[ | ]

  • Function. Returns an actor's debug information.

Actor Scope From[ | ]

  • Function. Returns an actor scope from an actor reference specified in the Name parameter.

Actor Scope From Actor[ | ]

  • Function. Returns an actor's scope.

Actor Scope From Portrait[ | ]

  • Function. Returns a portrait's actor scope.

Actor Scope From Unit[ | ]

  • Function. Returns a unit's actor scope.

Actor Scope Get Text[ | ]

  • Function. Returns an actor scope's debug information.

Apply Global Texture Group[ | ]

  • Action. Applies texture props globally. If a model's data is configured for texture swapping, and there is a texture available to the model with the global props, then that texture will be used.

Remove Global Texture Group[ | ]

  • Action. Removes global texture props.

Actor From Unit[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the actor for the specified unit. This will return the primary actor that is responsible for governing the behavior of a specific unit, chosen through the Unit parameter.

Make Actor Face Angle[ | ]

  • Action. Causes an actor to face the specified angle.

Play Movie Texture On Unit Actor[ | ]

  • Action. Play a movie texture on the model of the main actor of the specified unit. The unit's model must be set up to have a texture slot that matches the slot of the movie to play.

Stop All Video Textures On Unit[ | ]

  • Action. Stops playing all video textures currently playing on the specified unit's actor. The TV news reports in the Wings Of Liberty campaign are examples of video textures.

Texture Slot Component[ | ]

  • Function. Query a texture and returns which component this texture belongs to. (Diffuse, Normal, Specular or Emissive)

Texture Slot Name[ | ]

  • Function. Query a texture and return the slot name that the texture is assigned to.