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Bank Management

Last Opened Bank

  • Function. Returns the last bank that was opened.

Open Bank

  • Action. Opens a bank with the name specified by the Name parameter, for the chosen Player. If a bank with the specified name does not already exist, one will be created for the chosen player. A bank is an xml file where you can store information for later use, even across maps. It's a good method of saving information to pass between maps in a custom campaign or multiple part custom map. See the "Store Boolean" action for further information.

Preload Bank

  • Action. Literal values must be used for the bank name and player (no variables or expressions). The specified bank data will be synchronized for all players when the game first loads.

Save Bank

  • Action. Saves the specified bank file, allowing you to access stored values later. If a bank is not saved, any changes made to it will be lost when the mission ends.

Store & Load

Last Restored Unit

  • Function. Returns the last unit that was restored from a bank.

Load Real Value

  • Function. Returns a Real value contained in the chosen Bank at the specified Key of the specified Section.

Load Boolean Value

  • Function. Returns a Boolean value contained in the chosen Bank at the specified Key of the specified Section.

Load Integer Value

  • Function. Returns an Integer value contained in the chosen Bank at the specified Key of the specified Section.

Load Point Value

  • Function. Returns a Point value contained in the chosen Bank at the specified Key of the specified Section.

Load String Value

  • Function. Returns a String value contained in the chosen Bank at the specified Key of the specified Section.

Load Text Value

  • Function. Returns a Text value contained in the chosen Bank at the specified Key of the specified Section.

Restore Unit

  • Action. Restores a unit contained in the chosen Bank at the specified Key of the specified Section. The unit will be created for the specified Player, at the specified Position, facing a specified Angle.

Store Real

  • Action. Stores a Real value to the specified Bank. The Section and Key parameters determine where the value is stored in the bank file, and must be used to load the value later. You must save a bank after storing a value, otherwise the value will not exist to load later.

Store Boolean

  • Action. Stores a Boolean value to the specified Bank. The Section and Key parameters determine where the value is stored in the bank file, and must be used to load the value later. You must save a bank after storing a value, otherwise the value will not exist to load later.

Store Integer

  • Action. Stores an Integer value to the specified Bank. The Section and Key parameters determine where the value is stored in the bank file, and must be used to load the value later. You must save a bank after storing a value, otherwise the value will not exist to load later.

Store Point

  • Action. Stores a Point value to the specified Bank. The Section and Key parameters determine where the value is stored in the bank file, and must be used to load the value later. You must save a bank after storing a value, otherwise the value will not exist to load later.

Store String

  • Action. Stores a String value to the specified Bank. The Section and Key parameters determine where the value is stored in the bank file, and must be used to load the value later. You must save a bank after storing a value, otherwise the value will not exist to load later.

Store Text

  • Action. Stores a Text value to the specified Bank. The Section and Key parameters determine where the value is stored in the bank file, and must be used to load the value later. You must save a bank after storing a value, otherwise the value will not exist to load later.

Store Unit

  • Action. Stores a Unit in the specified Bank. The Section and Key parameters determine where the Unit is stored in the bank file, and must be used to restore the unit later. You must save a bank after storing a value, otherwise the value will not exist to load later. Unit values are recalled with the "Restore Unit" action.


Delete Saved Campaign Banks

  • Action. Deletes all the saved campaign banks specified in GameData

Bank Exists

  • Function. Returns true if a bank, chosen by the Name parameter, exists for the chosen Player.

Bank Key Count

  • Function. Returns the number of keys in the specified Section of the chosen Bank.

Bank Key Exists

  • Function. Returns true if the chosen Bank has an entry at the specified Key of the specified Section.

Bank Key Name

  • Function. Returns the string name of the Key, chosen by Integer position, of the specified Section of the chosen Bank.

Remove Bank Key

  • Function. Removes a specific bank Key from a section in the chosen bank.

Bank Name

  • Function. Returns the name of the chosen bank.

Bank Option

  • Function.

Set Bank Option

  • Action.

Bank Player

  • Function. Returns the player associated with the chosen bank.

Remove Bank

  • Action. Removes the bank from the cache and no longer allows values to be written to it.

Bank Section Count

  • Function. Returns the number of sections in the chosen Bank.

Bank Section Exists

  • Function. Returns true if the specified Section exists in the chosen Bank.

Bank Section Name

  • Function. Returns the name of the Section, chosen by Integer position, of the chosen Bank.

Remove Bank Section

  • Action. Removes a specific Section, and all of its keys, from the chosen Bank.

Bank Value Is Type

  • Function. Returns true if the value contained in the chosen Bank at the specified Key of the specified Section is of the chosen Type.

Verify Bank

  • Function. Returns true if the signature option is enabled and the signature matches the data in the bank. The signature is only computed when a bank is loaded at startup.