SC2Mapster Wiki

Basic[ | ]

Apply Camera Object[ | ]

  • Action. Sets a players camera to a camera object. If you choose to Include Target, then the specified player's camera will also jump to the target point of the specified camera object. Otherwise, only the camera object's properties will be applied to the specified player's camera.

Clear Camera Channel On Portrait[ | ]

  • Action. Stops a portrait from rendering to a render-to-texture channel.

Camera Pitch of Player[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the current camera pitch of a player. Camera pitch is tracked for all players in a multiplayer game, but the queried locations will be slightly old due to network latency.

Camera Target Of Player[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the current camera target of a player. Camera targets are tracked for all players in a multiplayer game, but the queried locations will be slightly old due to network latency.

Camera Yaw of Player[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the current camera yaw of a player. Camera yaw is tracked for all players in a multiplayer game, but the queried locations will be slightly old due to network latency.

Default Game Camera[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the default game camera settings.

Make Camera Look At[ | ]

  • Action. Adjusts the camera to look at the new target point without changing the camera eye position.

Pan Camera[ | ]

  • Action. Pans the camera to the center of a region or point. If smart panning is enabled, the camera will not pan if it is already looking at the target point.

Restore Camera[ | ]

  • Action. Restores the camera to a previously saved configuration. You can save camera settings using "Save Camera".

Save Camera[ | ]

  • Action. Saves the current camera configurations. You can recall the camera settings using "Restore Camera".

Set Camera Channel On Portrait[ | ]

  • Action. In order to use this, you must first create a portrait through triggers. You can then use this action to have a camera object on that portrait render to a render-to-texture channel.

Camera Tricks[ | ]

Follow Unit Group with Camera[ | ]

  • Action. Follows a unit group with the camera.

Lock Camera Mouse Relative Mode On/Off[ | ]

  • Action. When this is turned on, it will make all of a player's mouse movements act as if that player was drag-scrolling (holding down the middle mouse button). This will hide the mouse cursor. Use in conjunction with "Turn Camera Mouse Rotation On/Off" to make an FPS-style camera.

Lock Camera Input[ | ]

  • Action. Locks the camera in place for a player, causing the player to be unable to move the camera in any way.

Make Camera Look At And Follow Actor[ | ]

  • Action. Make the camera target follow an actor, without changing the camera eye position. Use 'No Actor' to stop looking at any actor.

Make Camera Look At And Follow Unit[ | ]

  • Action. Make the camera target follow a unit, without changing the camera eye position. Use 'No Unit' to stop looking at any unit.

Set Camera Bounds[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the camera bounds within a region. This will limit the specified Players from moving their camera beyond the specified Bounds. If the Minimap parameter is set to Do, the minimap will also shrink to fit the camera bounds. This is useful for hiding things off map, or having the playable area expand at some point during your map.

Turn Camera Mouse Rotation On/Off[ | ]

  • Action. When this is turned on, it will make a player's drag-scroll camera movements rotate the camera in a free look fashion rather than drag the camera. Use in conjunction with "Lock Camera Mouse Relative Mode On/Off" to make an FPS-style camera.

Set Camera Mouse Rotation Speed[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the yaw or pitch sensitivity of the camera when camera mouse rotation is turned on.

Turn Camera Vertical Field Of View On/Off[ | ]

  • Action. By default, the horizontal screen space is preserved between aspect ratios, and the vertical space gets cropped or expanded as necessary. When vertical field of view is turned on, the vertical screen space will be preserved between aspect ratios, and the horizontal space will get cropped or expanded as necessary.

Shake Camera[ | ]

  • Action. Shakes the camera. If the Duration parameter is set to 0, it will shake the camera until stopped by the "Stop Shaking Camera" action. This action is useful for things such as explosions or earthquakes.

Stop Shaking Camera[ | ]

  • Action. Stops shaking the camera.

Turn Camera Height Displacement On/Off[ | ]

  • Action. When this is enabled, and the camera is following a flying unit, the camera will adjust its height to ensure the flying unit stays visible when the camera zooms in.

Turn Camera Height Smoothing On/Off[ | ]

  • Action. When this is enabled, the camera will transition between terrain height changes smoothly.

Zoom Camera[ | ]

  • Action. Zoom the camera in on a location.

Model Cameras[ | ]

Clear Camera Channel[ | ]

  • Action. Stops a model camera from using the specified render-to-texture channel.

Set Camera Channel[ | ]

  • Action. Sets a model camera for the specified unit to be rendered to the specified render-to-texture channel.

Use Model Camera[ | ]

  • Action. Uses the camera setting that is specific to a unit. This is primarily for model assets which have a built in camera, such as Portraits.

Utility[ | ]

Camera Object Target[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the camera object target.

Camera Object Property[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the value of the specified Property for the chosen Camera Object.

Set Camera Object Target[ | ]

  • Action. Sets a camera object to a selected point.

Set Camera Object Property[ | ]

  • Action. Sets a camera object property.

Apply Camera Property[ | ]

  • Action. Applies a specified camera property such as Depth of Field to a camera object.

Copy Of Camera Object[ | ]

  • Function. Returns a copy of a set camera object.

Camera Move Reason[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the source of the last camera movement.