SC2Mapster Wiki

Cinematic Mode[ | ]

Cinematic Mode[ | ]

  • Action. Turns on/off cinematic mode for a player(s). Cinematic mode hides the normal gameplay UI. When cinematic mode is turned on, the state of the gameplay UI is cached, and when cinematic mode is turned off, the state of the gameplay UI is restored from that cache. Therefore, changing visibility settings of gameplay UI elements while cinematic mode is turned on will have no effect.

Global Cinematic Setting[ | ]

  • Action. Turns on/off the aspects of cinematic mode that are not player-specific, such as game speed. This will also turn on fixed random seed, so random rolls done while in cinematic mode will come out the same every time it is run. These settings affect all players, so this action should not be used if some players in a game are viewing a cinematic while others are not. This action is intended to be used in conjunction with the "Cinematic Mode" action.

Player In Cinematic Mode[ | ]

  • Function. Returns true if the specified player has cinematic mode turned on.

_Cine Mode Turn On/Off For Player[ | ]

  • Action.

_Cine Mode Turn On/Off For Player Group[ | ]

  • Action.

_Cine Mode Fog Setting[ | ]

  • Action.

_Cine Mode Change Fog Setting For Player[ | ]

  • Action.

_Cine Mode Change Fog Setting For Player Group[ | ]

  • Action.

_Cine Mode Mask Setting[ | ]

  • Action.

_Cine Mode Change Mask Setting For Player[ | ]

  • Action.

_Cine Mode Change Mask Setting For Player Group[ | ]

  • Action.

_Cine Mode Hide UI[ | ]

  • Action.

_Cine Mode Restore UI[ | ]

  • Action.

_Cine Mode Internal[ | ]

  • Action.

Data Driven[ | ]

Run Cinematic[ | ]

  • Action. Runs a cinematic defined through the Cinematics window in the editor. Use "Stop Cinematic" to stop the cinematic.

Stop Cinematic[ | ]

  • Action. Stops any active cinematic that has been run using "Run Cinematic".

Effects[ | ]

Fade In/Out[ | ]

  • Action. Fades the screen in or out over a specified amount of time.

Overlay Image[ | ]

  • Action. Fade in or out a texture overlay over a specified amount of time.

Select Main Shadow Light[ | ]

  • Action. Selects a light to be the main shadow-casting light for the current scene. If Light Name is set to a blank string, this will attempt to select the default shadow light for the current scene.

Movie[ | ]

Movie Add SubTitle (String)[ | ]

  • Action. When recording a movie, this function add a subtitle to the movie event file, it will be used at the specified time stamp when the movie is played back. If 'timeStamp' is -1, current recording time is used.

Movie Add SubTitle (Text)[ | ]

  • Action. When recording a movie, this function add a subtitle to the movie event file, it will be used at the specified time stamp when the movie is played back. If 'timeStamp' is -1, current recording time is used.

Movie Add Trigger Function[ | ]

  • Action. When recording a movie, this function add a trigger function to the movie event file, it will be called at the specified time stamp when the movie is played back. If 'timeStamp' is -1, current recording time is used.

Movie Dynamic Subtitles and Duration[ | ]

  • Action. When recording a movie, this function add a subtitle to the movie event file at the current recording time, dynamically pulling the text and duration from a sound entry.

Movie Start Recording[ | ]

  • Action. Starts the recording of a movie in the *Action. .ogg format, with the specified name. Only one movie can be recorded at a time. Starting a new recording will stop a movie that is currently being recorded. The file is saved in the "My Documents\Starcraft II\Videos" folder of the user.

Movie Stop Recording[ | ]

  • Action. Stops recording the movie.