SC2Mapster Wiki

Alliances[ | ]

Alliance Aspect[ | ]

  • Function. Returns true of the source player is treating the target player with the specified alliance aspect. To check if two players are mutually treating each other with a given alliance aspect, use this function again with the players in reverse order.

Get Relationship Between Players[ | ]

  • Function. Returns true of the source player is treating the target player as ally, enemy, or neutral. Use the Mutual options to check if two players treat each other as mutual allies, enemies, or neutrals.

Set Alliance Aspect[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the alliance aspect of one player towards another player, but not vice-versa. This action will turn enable or disable the chosen Alliance Aspect, such as shared vision or hostility, for the Source Player towards the Target Player. Pushable means that the Target Player's units are allowed to push the Source Player's units out of the way if they are trying to path through them.

Set Alliance[ | ]

  • Action. Sets alliance settings between two players. This action will determined how two players treat each other, such as whether or not their units fight. Pushable means that one player's units are allowed to push another player's units out of the way if they are trying to path through them.

Set Alliance (One-Way)[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the alliance settings of one player towards another player, but not vice-versa. This action will determine how the Source Player treats the Target Player, such as whether or not the Source Player's units fight the Target Player's units. Pushable means that the Target Player's units are allowed to push the Source Player's units out of the way if they are trying to path through them.

Set Alliance For Player Group[ | ]

  • Action. Changes alliance settings for all players in the player group. Each player applies the requested alliance setting to every other player in the player group. Pushable means that one player's units are allowed to push another player's units out of the way if they are trying to path through them.

Clear Alliance[ | ]

  • Action.

Make Ally[ | ]

  • Action.

Charges And Cooldowns[ | ]

Add Charge Regen Time For Player[ | ]

  • Action. Adds to the amount of time it takes to regenerate the specified player charge link.

Add Charge Used For Player[ | ]

  • Action. Consumes the specified number of charges for the specified player charge link.

Add Cooldown For Player[ | ]

  • Action. Adds time to the specified player cooldown link.

Player Charge Regen[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the charge regen time for the specified player charge link.

Player Charge Used[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the number of charges used for the specified player charge link.

Player Cooldown[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the cooldown time for the specified player cooldown link.

Pause/Unpause All Charges For Player[ | ]

  • Action. Pauses or unpauses regen for all charges for the specified player.

Pause/Unpause All Cooldowns For Player[ | ]

  • Action. Pauses or unpauses all cooldowns for the specified player.

Remove Charge Regen Time For Player[ | ]

  • Action. Clears the amount of time it takes to regenerate the specified player charge link.

Remove Charge Used For Player[ | ]

  • Action. Clears the number of used charges for the specified player charge link.

Remove Cooldown For Player[ | ]

  • Action. Clears the specified player cooldown link.

Difficulty Levels[ | ]

APM Of Difficulty Level[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the actions per minute for the difficulty level specified.

Difficulty Level Is Enabled[ | ]

  • Function. Returns true if the difficulty level is enabled.

Name Of Difficulty Level[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the name of the difficulty level.

Name Of Campaign Difficulty Level[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the campaign name of the difficulty level.

Difficulty Level For Player[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the difficulty level for the specified player.

Set Player Difficulty Level[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the difficulty level for the specified player.

Player Settings[ | ]

Triggering Player[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the triggering player as an integer.

Triggering Player Property[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the triggering player property in response to "Player Property Changed" events.

Triggering Player Property Change (Real)[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the triggering player property amount changed in response to "Player Property Changed" events.

Triggering Player Property Change (Integer)[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the triggering player property amount changed in response to "Player Property Changed" events.

Player Color[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the player color of the player.

Player Property[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the value of the specified player property as an integer.

Player Flag Check[ | ]

  • Function. Returns true if the specified flag is enabled.

Modify Player Property[ | ]

  • Action. Modifies player properties such as resources.

Name Of Player[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the name of the player.

Race Of Player[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the race of the player.

Player Score Value (Real)[ | ]

  • Function. Returns a statistic for the specified player as a real.

Player Score Value (Integer)[ | ]

  • Function. Returns a statistic for the specified player as an integer.

Modify Player Score (Real)[ | ]

  • Action. Modifies player properties such as resources.

Modify Player Score (Integer)[ | ]

  • Action. Modifies player score such as units killed.

Set Player Color[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the player color for the player.

Turn Player Flag On/Off[ | ]

  • Action. Enables or disables the specified flag for the player.

Start Location Of Player[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the point value of the start location for the player.

Status Of Player[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the status of the player.

Controller Of Player[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the controller of the specified player. This function can return as Computer, User, None, or Neutral.