SC2Mapster Wiki

Alerts[ | ]

Create Alert With No Source[ | ]

  • Action. Creates an alert displaying the custom alert text.

Clear Alerts[ | ]

  • Action. Clears all alerts and spacebar points for the specified player.

Create Alert At Point[ | ]

  • Action. Creates an alert with a spacebar point (point that the camera will jump to when the player presses the spacebar) at the target point displaying the custom alert text.

Create Alert At Unit[ | ]

  • Action. Creates an alert with a spacebar point (point that the camera will jump to when the player presses the spacebar) at the target unit displaying the custom alert text.

Boss Bar[ | ]

Display Boss Bar[ | ]

  • Action. Creates and shows a boss bar near the top of the screen.

Move Boss Bar[ | ]

  • Action. Moves the specified boss bar to the specified coordinates.

Refresh Boss Bar[ | ]

  • Action. Forces the boss bar to redraw.

Set Boss Bar Boss[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the unit for the specified boss bar. Calling this action will overwrite the maximum and current value you set through "Set Boss Bar Maximum Value" and "Set Boss Bar Current Value", and will instead base its value on the specified unit's HP.

Set Boss Bar Current Value[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the current value for the specified boss bar. Calling this action will overwrite the boss unit you set through "Set Boss Bar Boss", and will instead rely on the values sent to it through "Set Boss Bar Maximum Value" and "Set Boss Bar Current Value".

Set Boss Bar Maximum Value[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the maximum value for the specified boss bar. Calling this action will overwrite the boss unit you set through "Set Boss Bar Boss", and will instead rely on the values sent to it through "Set Boss Bar Maximum Value" and "Set Boss Bar Current Value".

Set Boss Bar Race[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the race for the specified boss bar, which will change its appearance.

Show/Hide Boss Bar[ | ]

  • Action. Shows or hides the specified boss bar.

_BB_HPBarChange[ | ]

  • Function.

_BB_HPBarCurrentWidth[ | ]

  • Function.

_BB_HPBarFormatLabel[ | ]

  • Function.

_BB_HPBarHeight[ | ]

  • Function.

_BB_HPBarWidth[ | ]

  • Function.

_BB_HPBorderHeight[ | ]

  • Function.

_BB_HPBorderWidth[ | ]

  • Function.

_BB_PortraitBorderHeight[ | ]

  • Function.

_BB_PortraitBorderWidth[ | ]

  • Function.

_BB_PortraitHeight[ | ]

  • Function.

_BB_PortraitWidth[ | ]

  • Function.

_BB_TitleBarHeight[ | ]

  • Function.

_BB_TitleBarWidth[ | ]

  • Function.

Challenges[ | ]

Get Challenge High Score[ | ]

  • Action. This action will only work for Blizzard maps.

Set Challenge Completed[ | ]

  • Action. This action will only work for Blizzard maps.

Set Challenge High Score[ | ]

  • Action. This action will only work for Blizzard maps.

Challenge Mode[ | ]

  • Action. This action will only work for Blizzard maps.

Set Challenge Score Text[ | ]

  • Action. This action will only work for Blizzard maps.

Custom Dialog[ | ]

Custom Dialog Result[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the custom dialog item a player selected. Use in response to "Custom Dialog Dismissed".

Display Custom Dialog[ | ]

  • Action. Displays a custom dialog. Message Dialogs are informational only and will always have a result of yes. Query dialogs provide the player with a yes or no option.

Game Menu[ | ]

Game Menu Item Selected[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the menu item a player selected from the game menu dialog. Use in response to "Game Menu Item Selected".

Hide All Custom Menu Dialog Items[ | ]

  • Action. Hides all the Custom Menu dialog items.

Set Custom Menu Dialog Item Text[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the text of a specified Menu Item in the Custom Menu.

Show/Hide Custom Menu Dialog Item[ | ]

  • Action. Shows or hides the specified Menu Item in the Custom Menu.

Set Game Menu Dialog Item Text[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the text of a specified menu item in the game menu. Allows customization of the F10 menu.

Show/Hide Game Menu Dialog Item[ | ]

  • Action. Shows or hides the specified menu item in the game menu. Allows customization of the F10 menu.

Show Custom Menu[ | ]

  • Action. The Custom Menu is similiar in look and functionality to the Game Menu (F10 Menu). However, the Custom Menu doesn't force items on or off based on the current state of the game.

Game UI[ | ]

Show/Hide Achievement Panel[ | ]

  • Action. Shows or hides the achievement panel for the specified players.

For Each UI Frame[ | ]

  • Action. Loops through all UI frames.

Show/Hide Game UI[ | ]

  • Action. Shows or hides the entire game UI.

Clear BattleNet Button Offset[ | ]

  • Action. Clear the custom positioning of the BattleNet Button. This will cause it to return to the default location

Unlock Flyer Helper Display[ | ]

  • Action. Unlocks flyer helper display for the player group.

Lock Flyer Helper Display[ | ]

  • Action. Locks the flyer helper display that is selected for all players in the player group.

UI Frame Is Visible[ | ]

  • Function. Returns true if the specified UI frame is visible for the specified player.

Set BattleNet Button Offset[ | ]

  • Action. Allows custom positioning of the BattleNet Button, relative to the bottom right corner of the screen. Note that there is a "safe rect" constraint that prevents the button and friends list from being too far to the left or too far upwards.

Turn Ability Highlight On/Off[ | ]

  • Action. The buttons for a highlighted ability command are flashed in the user's command card UI. If the ability command is contained in a sub-page, like one of the standard "build" commands, the button for the sub-page itself will also be highlighted.

Enable/Disable Command Type[ | ]

  • Action. Enables or disables certain types of interface commands. Use the "Set Command Type Disabled Message" action to customize the message that is displayed when the player attempts to use commands disabled in this manner.

Set Command Type Disabled Message[ | ]

  • Action. Specifies the message to be displayed to players when they attempt to use a command that has been disabled by the "Enable/Disable Command Type" action.

Enable/Disable Mouse Cursor Auto Hide[ | ]

  • Action. Auto hide causes the mouse cursor to automatically be hidden if the user hasn't moved the cursor for a period of time. The cursor will also automatically be shown whenever the cursor is moved.

Show/Hide Mouse Cursor[ | ]

  • Action. Shows or hides the mouse cursor for the specified players.

Enable/Disable Drag Selection[ | ]

  • Action. If drag selection is disabled, the selection box will no longer appear when left clicking and holding down the button while moving the mouse cursor

Show/Hide UI Frame[ | ]

  • Action. Shows or hides the specified frame in the user interface. Only Blizzard maps are allowed to hide the Battle UI frame.

Set Minimap Background Color[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the minimap background color.

Show/Hide Minimap Camera Field of View[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the minimap camera field of view visibility.

Set Screen Mode[ | ]

  • Action. Changes the screen mode for the player group over the duration specified.

Show/Hide World[ | ]

  • Action. Shows or hides the 3D game world for the players specified.

Unlock Ally Color Setting[ | ]

  • Action. Unlocks ally color settings for the player group.

Lock Ally Color Setting[ | ]

  • Action. Locks the ally color setting that is selected for all players in the player group.

Store Game UI Visible States[ | ]

  • Action.

Lock Status Bar Display[ | ]

  • Action.

Unlock Status Bar Display[ | ]

  • Action.

Help Panel[ | ]

Format Tip Title[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the specified text string with some formatting added to it.

Create Cheat[ | ]

  • Action. Creates a tip on the help panel with a button that must be pressed in order for the description to be displayed.

Create Tip[ | ]

  • Action. Creates a tip that will display above the command card, and also adds the tip to the help panel.

Create Tutorial[ | ]

  • Action. Creates a tutorial that will display above the command card, and also adds the tutorial to the help panel.

Destroy All Tips[ | ]

  • Action.

Destroy All Tutorials[ | ]

  • Action.

Display Help Page[ | ]

  • Action. Shows the help panel set to the specified page for the specified players.

Enable/Disable Help Panel Tech Glossary Button[ | ]

  • Action. Enables or disables the glossary button on the help panel for the specified players.

Enable/Disable Help Panel Tech Tree Button[ | ]

  • Action. Enables or disables the tech tree button on the help panel for the specified players.

Show/Hide Help Panel Tech Tree Race[ | ]

  • Action. Shows or hides a specific race's tech tree on the help panel.

Show/Hide Help For Unit[ | ]

  • Action. Determines whether or not a unit type will show up in the help panel.

Set Help Panel Default Visibility[ | ]

  • Action. Determines whether or not units show up in the help panel by default. Use the "Show/Hide Help For Unit" action to show or hide individual unit types.

Clear All Tip Alerts[ | ]

  • Action. Clears all currently displayed tip alerts. Does not remove the tips themselves, which can still be viewed in the help panel.

Input[ | ]

Button Pressed[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the button pressed. Use in response to a "Button Pressed" event.

Alt Key Pressed[ | ]

  • Function. Returns true if the alt key was pressed. Use in response to a "Key Pressed" or "Mouse Clicked" event.

Control Key Pressed[ | ]

  • Function. Returns true if the control key was pressed. Use in response to a "Key Pressed" or "Mouse Clicked" event.

Key Pressed[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the key pressed. Use in response to a "Key Pressed" event.

Shift Key Pressed[ | ]

  • Function. Returns true if the shift key was pressed. Use in response to a "Key Pressed" or "Mouse Clicked" event.

Mouse Clicked Button[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the mouse button clicked. Use in response to a "Mouse Clicked" event.

Mouse Clicked UI Pos X[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the mouse position clicked in the X axis. Use in response to a "Mouse Clicked" event.

Mouse Clicked World Pos X[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the mouse position clicked in the X axis. Use in response to a "Mouse Clicked" event.

Mouse Clicked UI Pos Y[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the mouse position clicked in the Y axis. Use in response to a "Mouse Clicked" event.

Mouse Clicked World Pos Y[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the mouse position clicked in the Y axis. Use in response to a "Mouse Clicked" event.

Mouse Clicked World Pos Z[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the mouse position clicked in the Z axis. Use in response to a "Mouse Clicked" event.

Mouse Moved UI Pos X[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the mouse position in the X axis. Use in response to a "Mouse Moved" event.

Mouse Moved World Pos X[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the mouse position in the X axis. Use in response to a "Mouse Moved" event.

Mouse Moved UI Pos Y[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the mouse position in the Y axis. Use in response to a "Mouse Moved" event.

Mouse Moved World Pos Y[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the mouse position in the Y axis. Use in response to a "Mouse Moved" event.

Mouse Moved World Pos Z[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the mouse position in the Z axis. Use in response to a "Mouse Moved" event.

Resource Trading[ | ]

Set Resource Trade Countdown Time[ | ]

  • Action. Disables resource trading for the specified amount of time in seconds.

Set Resource Trading Allowed[ | ]

  • Action. Allows or disallows resource trading for the specified Resource Type

Set Resource Trading Major Step[ | ]

  • Action. The major step is the amount incremented by clicking the arrows in the Team Resource Panel with the control key held down

Set Resource Trading Minor Step[ | ]

  • Action. The minor step is the amount incremented by clicking the arrows in the Team Resource Panel

Text[ | ]

Clear Text Messages[ | ]

  • Action. Clears all text messages currently displayed on the screen.

Text Message[ | ]

  • Action. Displays a text message in the specified area of the screen.

Error Message[ | ]

  • Action. Displays an error message.

Hide Cinematic Text[ | ]

  • Action. Hides all cinematic text that is currently displaying for the specified players.

Hide Text Crawl[ | ]

  • Action. Hides text crawls that are currently displaying for the specified players.

Show Cinematic Text[ | ]

  • Action. Displays the specified text in the cinematic text area using the specified parameters.

Show Text Crawl[ | ]

  • Action. Displays text that types out one character at a time over the specified duration.

Transitions[ | ]

Set Next Movie[ | ]

  • Action. The specified movie will play for the given players after the game finishes.

Set Next Loading Screen[ | ]

  • Action. Creates the next loading screen if transitioning to a new map from the current one.

Set Next Loading Screen Image Scale[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the next loading screen image scaling method if transitioning to a new map from the current one.

Set Next Loading Screen Text Position[ | ]

  • Action. Adjusts the text position of the next loading screen if transitioning to a new map from the current one.

Set Restart Loading Screen Tip[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the loading screen tip to use when restarting the current map.