SC2Mapster Wiki

Actor-Message Constructors[ | ]

Actor Msg 3[ | ]

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Actor -

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actormsg ActorMsg3 ( string msgName, string param1, string param2, string param3 )

Description[ | ]

Constructs and returns an actor message with three parameters. The actor message returned is formed by combining the Msg Name, Param 1, Param 2, and Param 3 string parameters. This function is primarily used by other "Actor" type functions to assemble actor messages, although it can be used to assemble any actor message from scratch with the right know-how.

Parameters[ | ]

  • string msgName
    • Name: Msg Name
  • string param1
    • Name: Param 1
  • string param2
    • Name: Param 2
  • string param3
    • Name: Param 3

Return Type: actormsg[ | ]

Additional Information[ | ]
